Archive for July, 2006

Other Things

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

So I have a lot of freckles and moles. Some are kinda strange looking so I finally made an appointment and saw a doctor. They removed one that day in the office. I have appointment later this month to discuss the results and to talk about removing some of the other one’s that also look strange.
I learned that raised moles are not a concern unless they start having very irregular borders and different coloring throughout the mole. This was kinda sad for me because I have a few raised moles that I wanted removed. I also have a red one on my neck. My jelly spot a has my sister Carolyn so endearingly calls it. I learned that this is just a popped blood vessel and even if removed it would probably come back. It is getting bigger so I may ask how much it would cost and have them remove it anyways because it gets scratched and what not by the girls.
I also learned that the spot on my foot will need to be removed because if it become cancerous years down the road cancer on the foot spreads quickly, so she wants to remove it now so I don’t have to worry about it. Now I like my little freckle spot on my foot. Right now it is uniform and consistent in the coloring so it’s hard for me to want it removed. I’d take a picture and post it but my toenails aren’t painted. Anyways, we’re hoping I’m not cancerous, I doubt that I am, but I figure it better to get these things taken care of while I’m young and have health insurance that will pay for it 100% as long as it preventative, in which it is right now.

Andrea and Brien or now Ely. This is my second news. I visited them briefly on Thursday after the doctor’s appointment, because they were to leave that night. They did not have a working phone last week. The phone company says it should be fine and for a mere $90 would come out and check the service in person. They think the previous tenants may have had some Internet phone system hooked up or something because it almost seems like an Internet connection and not a phone connection. I don’t know when we’ll hear from them, but they are suppose to be at the family reunion that’s coming up. There landlord said something about purchasing phone insurance as to cover these strange occurrences, but who has continuous problems with a land line? This is obviously a problem from the previous tenant and he should be the one paying the phone company to fix it, it’s just part of the job when you’re a land lord.
I hope the move went well and that the packers did a good job. The government payed for there relocation and movers. I don’t think the unpack completely for them though. I hope all is well for them. I’ll miss having them close by and seeing them at dinners. Lilah adored Brien, so I’m sad that we won’t be seeing them as often. They’re four hours from her family here in Vegas and four hours from his family in Salt Lake. They’ll visit us in the winter because Brien said “Why would I visit Hell in the summer.”
I hope you’re not to lonely Andrea and that you enjoy the small town life…it makes me laugh to think of you in Ely, it’s just so small and different from Vegas.

Job change

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

It’s July, so Jon is now officially the Assistant SIS/DARS Administrator at UNLV. He thinks it’s no biggy, I’m extremely happy and proud. Okay there is the money aspect that helps, but I’m just proud of him. He’s a hard worker and very knowledgeable and self taught. I hope this line of work is more of his genre and that he’s able to learn and advance even more. I read the description and it just baffled me because of the different analysis and everything he’s suppose to be doing. Of course it’s still kinda by ear right now because he is the first person in this position at UNLV so there was no one to train him. I hope he does it well and that the change goes smoothly.
Good Luck Honey!

Picture update

Sunday, July 2nd, 2006

On Lilah’s birthday we went to the park, had lunch at my parents house, but they were gone. We then went to Jo’Ann’s to pick out fabric for the master bedroom curtains. We came home had some naps ate Jack in the Box for dinner and then the family showed up. Jon didn’t get any pictures of Lilah’s blowing the candles out, but this I believe is while we were singing happy birthday.

Here’s Eden trying out one of our new cupboards.

These are our living room curtains. I still need to hem the bottom part, but I wanted them to hang and settle since I have three layers of fabric to work with.

On the 29th we decided to bite the bullet and cut Lilah’s hair. Her hair has never been cut. Jon and I want to cut our own children’s hair, so she was our guinea pig. I did a good job getting the cut even but when I was trying to add a few layers, so it wasn’t just a blunt bob, I got flustered and Jon had to finish. His layering was fine, but mine…we’ll just say it needs to be fix. For now pulling her hair back hides the mistakes. I say we should take her to a place to get it fixed, but he says where’s the drive to become better if we have an out. I just feel bad that she has to live with a botched haircut. She’s cute anyways. I cut just a small amount off to keep, but we probably cut a total of six inches…at least.

This picture doesn’t give a good idea of what it looks like, just the length, and once it’s fixed I’ll post a good one.

This is a picture Jon took of Eden while I was cutting Lilah’s hair.

I just thought it was cute how she was reaching for the camera and smilling.

Other news. We took a video of Eden helping to clean up last night. At first I was holding her arm and helping her do it, then she did it all by herself. I was amazed because she’s not even one, but it’s like hello babies can mimic what you’re doing. She was a little upset when we put the toy drawers away though because she was mimicking not cleaning up. It was cute. I’m pretty sure Lilah was picking up at this point also, but it’s so hard to spend time and remember what you did with the first one. Also the second gets less interaction so it can come as more surprising when they do things. It also served as a reminder that children can do so many things before many adults expect them to. So many people baby their kids in which the expectations are set low, so they don’t do as much for themselves. I am also guilty of this. There have been many a days when I didn’t have patience to let Lilah figure things out and I helped her. In return she occasionally expects my help and gets frustrated when things don’t happen quickly. Patience, patience and space is just what our children need sometimes, so they can discover what they are capable of. Guidance is good, but too much can be bad. We are all capable of amazing feats, and our children are also, we need to discover those hidden talents, and we need to let our children learn and accomplish things on their own. Sorry for the soapbox, just never sell a child short of their potential.

Letter to Lilah

Sunday, July 2nd, 2006

Dear Lilah,
I can’t believe you’re three. It strange how you’ve been apart of my life for just three years. It’s seems like I’ve always had you, but our time is still beginning. You’re getting older and opinionated. You surprise us with your incredible memory and you show amazing patience for your litter sister at times. There are plenty of moments when I am impatient with you, and plenty of moments when you are impatient with me. I hope we can find patience together and learn to appreciate each other’s strengths. You are an amazing child. Your are so easy to care for yet so difficult at other times. You spoil me with you continual forgiveness and I try not to be hurt when the only person you want is Daddy. You have a special bond with him and we all wish we could spend more time with him. You love to read and at times I think I should buy some books on tape for you. You are becoming your own person and I delight in your growth. I’m still amazed that I have you. I love you deeply. Happy Birthday my little one.
