Random thoughts
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006Jon thought this was funny. I hope I remember the incident correctly because it was kinda amusing.
Saturday morning we all were in bed, well it was the three of us, Jon, Lilah and me. We were talking about breakfast and what we should have. Jon mentioned eating Lilah and of course she said “No we don’t eat Lilah.” Some how the conversation came to her being salty and this is what she did.
‘Yeah my toes are Salty.”
she then proceeds to lift her foot and she inserted her big toe in her mouth.
“Yeah that was salty.”
Jon found it funny. I thought oh great, we have a toe sucker.
Eden is walking 95 % of the time. She was pretty timid at the beginning of last week but as the week went on she started venturing out more and by Thursday she was walking 50% of the time. She’s figured it’s easier to stay standing and walk, even though it’s slow and sometimes wobbly, than to get to her knees and crawl. She doesn’t look down and watch the ground so she either walks until she runs into a doll on the floor and then goes to the ground, or she bulldozes through it until it’s out of her way. She’s so cute and Lilah loves to announce that Eden’s walking. It’s strange to have a two foot tall baby walking…she’s getting big so fast. She also drooling up a storm. One upper molar has broken though on the top left and on her top right side you can feel another one just under the gums. She’s also really ornery and sensitive. Don’t take anything away or she’ll cry, don’t say no or she’ll cry and above all do not take her away from the computer that she so loves to restart…or she’ll cry. It’s only been recently that she’s been soo sensitive, so I’m pretty sure it’s the teething that’s bothering her. Otherwise she’s a happy baby. She’s also starting to try words. You can her her say water….of course in a baby way..after you ask if she wants water and she tries to say bread, and the cutest is when you think she’s saying Lilah. At first it was more yaya, now she kinda put an “L” in it but not always. Of course she only says mama whens she’s really upset and even then she doesn’t do it all the time. Neither of my girls really called me mama, they said dada first and other words. Eden just smiles when we ask her to say mama or dada. It’s a little bit of a relief to have her saying words. She signs plenty, more and cracker and dog when she sees a dog, or really any animal. She communicates well, that’s one reason she’s usually a happy baby, she just doesn’t say words. Lilah was the same way….so I’m not worried. She’s very attentive and listens to our directions easily…she just doesn’t verbalize her words.