Archive for October 23rd, 2006

Have you had your tetanus booster today?

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

My sister Kristi does pampered chef and she had a stop and shop to attend Friday. It’s where they have several of the home businesses, like pampered chef, or candles or tastefully simple, so a person could come and buy and do Christmas shopping type things. I was babysitting for her, Howie is 6, Katy is 4, and Adrienne is 7 months..I think. Well Adrienne had been kinda fussy starting around 5:30. I tried feeding her a bottle and she wasn’t liking it so I I tried feeding her peaches and she didn’t like those. I gave her some cheerios and those seems to occupy her. While she was occupied I was fixing dinner. I had a pizza in the oven and I was going to saute some summer squash and zucchini to supplement Jon’s and my dinner. Adrienne started getting fussy while I was cutting up the onion and was getting the veggies washed. I was using my pampered chef slice and grate, essentially a slicer, and I was trying to get Adrienne’s attention because she was crying and fussing when I cut my right ring finger. It was pretty bloody and it was around 6:00. I was extra annoyed because Jon wasn’t home. He had ended up working late and forgot to call and didn’t have the cell. So here I was with a bleeding finger, an upset baby and no husband. Since I had no husband I had no car so that left me with no way to get to a doctors or quick care. I was annoyed, worried, and frustrated that I wasn’t paying attention to the dang summer squash. I called Kristi and she came to get her kids, she got here right after Jon. Jon got home at 6:23 and I gave him Adrienne, she fell asleep on him in about three minutes. Jon didn’t want me driving because our car is a stick, so I need two hands to drive. I think I could have pulled it off, but while I went to the bathroom Jon got Eden packed up and Lilah ready and we all went. Luckily, I think, the quick care was open and in total it took about an hour. They didn’t give me stitches, or even put the dermabond on, according to the doctor my wound needs to be dry and not bleeding. After he clean it out I started bleeding again, so he couldn’t put it on. I think he just didn’t want to use it because it was superficial, but I really wanted it so I could get on with life and not worry about the wound breaking open as easily. He put a huge gauze wrap on it and used band aids to keep it on. I tried to keep pressure on it, but it bleed a good little bit still. I also got my tetanus booster because I didn’t know when my last one was. The doctor made the comment that most people who cut themselves know when their last tetanus shot was. I’m guessing those people cut themselves regularly, or maybe I’m just one of the few who don’t have my immunization record memorized. Well, even if I didn’t get stitches or the fancy superglue, at least I got a tetanus shot and we know I won’t get lock jaw.