Archive for October 26th, 2006

I lost Eden.

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Well I lost her for justร‚ย  a short period…and it was inside my own home. I was talking to my sister Kristi and Eden needed a diaper change. I changed her poopy bottom and then went into my bathroom to wash my hands. I washed them while having the phone propped in my neck an then promptly left, shut the door to my bathroom and then the door to my room, and went back to the living room to sit on the couch where Lilah was just lying. As I sat and talked, or really mostly listened, I wondered “Where is Eden?” She usually follows me out or makes more noise than she is. I first went into the girls room…I just peeked in…nothing…then I checked the kitchen and living room, in case she had been in the kitchen and then the living room…nothing. I checked my room…I had shut the door behind me but maybe she came while I was washing my hands. No Eden. I thought I hear a little noise…but at last I saw no none. Of course I was doing all this rather quickly so I checked more thoroughly in the girls room, under the crib and behind it. No Eden. Again around in circles in the house, back to my room…Nothing. Then I thought no she couldn’t have gone in the bathroom I was only there for a minute, but alas as I tried to open the my bathroom door something was in front of it. A 20 pound one year old. She didn’t seemed scared, but she gave me a good cuddle and hug when I picked her up. There is a night light in our bathroom, so at least it wasn’t completely dark. The noise I heard must have come form under the door, it just didn’t come from a recognizable direction. So there’s my bad mom move of the day…I locked Eden in my bathroom.

Smelly ghost, Smelly ghost.

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

(The title of this blog is suppose to be read in a seance sort of way, or singing type way. Smelly ghost, Smelly ghost…I think there might be a nursery rhyme about a ghost that I got this from, or I might just be strange.)

I don’t know about other people…but every once in a while dishes pile up, or our compost, and we get weird smells. One time a cooked yam skin got water on it and well, our house smelled dirty, and I mean in a gynecologist office dirty way…if you don’t understand, then well, I don’t want to get into details. Earlier in the day while doing dishes water had spilled and the food for the compost on the counter got wet. I didn’t think much of it until we got home.When we came home it just smelled. We looked and sniffed around and figured out it was the compost and more specifically a yam skin. I think we just threw that compost away…the smell had tainted it for us. We orange cleaned the counter and burned the salt city candle I had just bought. Boy am I glad I bought it, within minutes our house was filled with the lovely aroma of orchard peach and not well…the gynecologist office.

Anyways. I find that we get weird smells every once in a while. Like after Jon makes coleslaw. If left over cabbage pieces hang around too long, or dishes get soaked that have cabbage on them, it can get a little funky in the kitchen. Well, he made some this Sunday for our extended family FHE, but had cleaned up pretty well. Monday our kitchen smelled weird…just a subtle weird. We had dishes to do but Jon did them Monday night for me since my finger was still sensitive and healing. Still Tuesday I would walk past this certain area and it had a scent to it. Well I did dishes again on Wednesday and I found the culprit, our soaking bread pan. It wasn’t like a blow you away bad smell, just yucky and it made me a little nauseous. I cleaned it with steaming hot water and yet I still smelled that faint funk on it. Jon says it smells fine…I think I know the stronger, unappetizing scent so I recognize it lingering on the pan. Jon also mentioned how he doesn’t smell certain things too closely, or foods. Like eggs. He doesn’t enjoy the close up smell of cooked eggs.
Well today I still have funky smells around my kitchen. There is definitely something rotten in my trash can, and then when I was switching the clothes from the washer to the dryer that area smelled weird. I thing since we have the drain right there for the washer,and the hole to clean the sewer that every once in a while it gets a little funky, though I’m not sure why. I also seem to have something strange in my kitchen still. At one point I thought it was the fridge, but I smelled it open and closed and it was fine, and that’s when I suspected the washer. It just seems to be this traveling smell….and no I don’t smell it right now while I’m typing…only in my kitchen. So that’s my haunting this Halloween….a smelly ghost that lives in my kitchen.