I lost Eden.
Thursday, October 26th, 2006Well I lost her for justรย a short period…and it was inside my own home. I was talking to my sister Kristi and Eden needed a diaper change. I changed her poopy bottom and then went into my bathroom to wash my hands. I washed them while having the phone propped in my neck an then promptly left, shut the door to my bathroom and then the door to my room, and went back to the living room to sit on the couch where Lilah was just lying. As I sat and talked, or really mostly listened, I wondered “Where is Eden?” She usually follows me out or makes more noise than she is. I first went into the girls room…I just peeked in…nothing…then I checked the kitchen and living room, in case she had been in the kitchen and then the living room…nothing. I checked my room…I had shut the door behind me but maybe she came while I was washing my hands. No Eden. I thought I hear a little noise…but at last I saw no none. Of course I was doing all this rather quickly so I checked more thoroughly in the girls room, under the crib and behind it. No Eden. Again around in circles in the house, back to my room…Nothing. Then I thought no she couldn’t have gone in the bathroom I was only there for a minute, but alas as I tried to open the my bathroom door something was in front of it. A 20 pound one year old. She didn’t seemed scared, but she gave me a good cuddle and hug when I picked her up. There is a night light in our bathroom, so at least it wasn’t completely dark. The noise I heard must have come form under the door, it just didn’t come from a recognizable direction. So there’s my bad mom move of the day…I locked Eden in my bathroom.