Archive for January 26th, 2007

Time flies

Friday, January 26th, 2007

Yesterday was a fun day. I got my house tidied in the morning and then my friend Danielle came over. She came to visit teach me, but we talked for a while also. Danielle is due to have her fist baby in February. I must say I’m a little jealous. I enjoyed giving birth. The pain is not fun, but the experience as a whole is very fulfilling. You discover muscles and parts of your body that you didn’t know existed. The feeling of having a baby come out of you is something that is indescribable. I hate that it takes nine months of waiting for the experience and for me it was over with a few hours, and the pushing was over in mere minutes. It’s goes fast, probably the way it should, but it’s amazing to be done and know that you gave birth to a baby. I loved labor. So as strange as it sounds I am envious of my pregnant friends.
Danielle left around 11:45 and then my friend Anna came over for lunch. Since she now works four 10 hour days rather then five 8 hour days, she has Thursday off and she spent the afternoon at my house. We played with the girls and eventually we went outside for the girls to play. She thinks I should see the light of day more often and that I should let my children get dirty. She also plans on laughing at me once I have my first boy…..since I don’t like dirt.
Once Anna left I put the girls down for their naps and minutes later a counselor in my ward’s relief society called me. We talk and then I check my e-mail and then my MIL called to tell me there was a mother who home schools her 8 children on Oprah. After I watched the segment she called back and we chatted some more. Then an old friend from high school called me back. She’s getting married this March so I wanted to catch up a little with her.
Before I knew it it was 5:40 and I had to get dinner ready. Lilah wanted to play pirates, so I tired to get things cooked and engage her in a game of “eye spy”.
After dinner I took Eden to Target with me. She had a field day in the parking lot and on the way there. She was pointing at every moving car and saying car. It was so cute.
Anyways at the end of the day I realized times flies.
It’s crazy. Here I am 23, married with 2 kids and soon to celebrate my 5th anniversary. I can’t believe it. Life happens so fast.