Archive for April 1st, 2007

Whoever said TGIF didn’t have allergies on my Friday.

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

After being outside on Thursday I got killer allergies. I’m still suffering, which is normal, but Friday was a blur.

Friday started early. I awoke at 6:30 am to get showered and ready to take Jon to work. A friend from high school was getting married and I wanted to attend the sealing.
We took Jon to work and then had breakfast once at home. I got the girls dressed and put on my Sunday best then drove and dropped the girls off at Sam’s house.
I got to the temple just after 9:30 for the 10 am sealing. It was a beautiful sealing. Hearing the promises that I may no longer have hope for saddened me but it made me happy to know that if I’m faithful everything will work out. I find that I’m more cynical when I hear certain promises, I have more of a ‘yeah right’ approach to everything than optimistic and hopeful, though I am usually able to overcome the negative thoughts.
I went to my house to change before I got the girls. The plan was to go straight to my parents house but instead we decided to stay and have a picnic with Britta and Sam. Sam made sandwiches while I went home and grabbed juice boxes and some apples to share with them. Then we met at the park and ate and played for about an hour and a half. I then went back home to get the boxes I forgot for my sister before I headed off to Henderson to met my mom at JoAnn’s. She got there late. 1:50. I left my girls with her and went a hop skip and a jump to our jewelers to drop off my engagement ring. (One of the prongs had been knocked and moved.) I then returned to JoAnn’s at 2:10, or 10 minutes into my mom’s shift. Luckily she mostly just sits there at the viking center part of the store and the other woman she works with/for thought my kids were cute.
I then shopped for a few things and packed up everyone to go. I was so tired at this point. I kept calling Jon to see if I could pick him up early, at 3:30 instead of 5 On account that his wife was exhausted and didn’t want to pick him up later or drive anymore. He was in some training so he didn’t call me until later.

I was close to home, which took my about 30 minutes longer than normal thanks to traffic, and my friend Anna called. She asked me how everything went that morning and I could honestly not remember. I was so tired and allergies were bothering me so much that I forgot all about the sealing. I regained my memory and Jon called on the other line. I changed over to talk to him and even though I was only five minutes from my house I decided to drive and get Jon early rather than go home take the girls out for a 40 minute nap to get them back in the car to get Jon at 5. I wanted to just get him and be done with the car for a couple of hours.
Thankfully he agreed to get off early for me. We picked him up at 4 and drove to Baja Fresh for some dinner. (I’ve been craving Baja.) We got home around 5 because of traffic and ate. I saw an old friend of Jon’s at the sealing and she insisted that I bring him to the reception. ( I was thinking of going alone, just so I wouldn’t have to deal with silly girls.) So after dinner we all went to the reception. Luckily we did see the friend and had a pretty good time except the fact the Eden swallowed a glass stone.
It was a horribly long day. I spent about 4 hours in the car and ended at the exact place I started!

My allergies are still bothering me, though I’m mostly over them. I’ve tried to enjoy a wonderful General Conference weekend, but I found that I wished Jon would take the girls away or that I could lock them in their room so I could pay attention to the speakers.
I’ve been stressed and Lilah seems to push all my buttons all the time lately.
Luckily I did get a little out of today’s sessions.
I’ve also started making our bedroom drapes, well yesterday I started. I hope to have them done by the end of the week. Yay!

real parents

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

I think Jon and I are real parents now. We’ve both been neglectful in different ways the last week or so and finally we’ve had to go through our child’s poop and check for an object she swallowed. I think that is one test of true parenthood, stool checking.

Friday we attended a wedding reception for a friend I went to school with. They had vases filled with decorative glass rocks and flowers. Eden was being very difficult. They only thing she wanted to do was lay in the middle of the floor. We’d pick her up persuade her to eat and then down she would wriggle out of our arms to lay on her belly wherever she landed. Late in the night I got a glass stone from a vase for her to look at. She tried to eat it a couple of times and then I persuaded her to just hold it. We put it on the table and later Jon got her. I guess he also let her play with the stone only he didn’t realize she liked putting it into her mouth. Well at one point she started pointing to her mouth and Jon asked to look in it and to spit whatever it was out. Nothing. He then realized he had been letting her hold the stone. He asked where the stone went and Eden just pointed to her mouth. We asked several people there what we should do. One was a vet and another was an aspiring doctor. OK he was my friends younger brother and he is going to be a doctor, just after he gets his bachelors and then goes to medical school. Anyways. We came to the conclusion it would be alright. After all the stone had no rough edges, though it was about the size of a dime.
On the way home we listened intently to Eden’s breathing making sure she didn’t quietly stop breathing and us never notice. She started coughing and choking a little bit on the way home but after a drink of water she was fine. Our hearts worried. We hoped the stone was not lodged anywhere problematic. We got home and put her into bed. We both worried about her sleeping laying down. What if the stone got caught or changed position and choked her?
We looked up some websites and Jon called a nurses line. Her surety that Eden would be OK helped put us somewhat at ease. After all it was a round object with no jagged edges, she had swallowed it with ease, though it was on the big size for a little girl, but the nurse said it would probably just pass.
Jon was very nervous and slept in the girls room Friday night.
Eden’s been fine and today I was the lucky one to find the stone in one of her stool diapers. Yes I got it out and washed it so we could keep it. After all it was just a little poop, and I’ve gotten that on myself before and I’ve never thrown out body parts.
When Lilah showed the stone to Eden today and she called it ice, so she thought it was suppose to be eaten. ๐Ÿ™‚



It has been a hard week for Eden. She’s a little more of a handful than Lilah was at this age, or we were more cautious. In the last week she’s had peanut butter and chocolate. She had a reaction to the chocolate, but luckily it was just small, mostly extra rosy cheeks, and she had no reaction to the peanut butter. She’s also been locked out front on our porch one night. We were just grateful she wandered back to the front door to cry and not onto the sidewalk or street. Now she swallowed a stone. Kids keep you on your toes and really our kids are pretty mild compared to others. I hate to think all the things that wild kids would do under our supervision.