Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 13th, 2007Today’s been pretty normal.
Eden woke up very early. Jon got her for me. later when Jon was up I tried to see of she would sleep a little in bed with me and of course all she did was play roughly with my hair. Jon at one point took her back to the living room. She was having a bad cough, which she caught from Lilah, and we decided she should stay home with him. We discussed shortly having Lilah stay home since she’s still coughing but we decided she probably was not contagious and I decided since it was my first mothers day with her in primary she must go because I wanted to see her sing the traditional mother’s day song by the Primary kids. (The song changes each year between a few but they always sing in sacrament, this year was “Mother I Love You”. I think it’s in the church handbook. J/K)
Anyways since it would be just me and Lilah needing to go to church I turned my alarm back to 7:30 and tried to sleep in a little more. It turns out Jon fell asleep on the couch and I turned my alarm off so at 8:06 I started getting ready for our 9:00 church. Some how I got ready while Jon took care of the girls. We actually got there at 9:07.
When they announced for the Primary kids to go up Lilah timidly got up and wandered slightly to the front. We were on the very last row. Emily Bartholomew got her and another Sunbeam and brought them up to the stand. Lilah stood in the front and her head was the only thing over the hand rail. She had her hands on it and she rested her head on her hands. She was so cute and I could tell she was nervous. She sang some words but mostly watched the congregation. I teared up a little as I watched my baby sing.
I still can’t believe she’s so big.