Thursday, May 24th, 2007Jon had a wellness check yesterday. It revealed that his cholesterol is borderline to being bad. Soรย he needs to get it down in the good area. (His family has a history of heart disease, so we’re taking this kinda seriously.) With that they gave him a list of foods to avoid and foods to eat. This now just puts more pressure on me to do a weekly menu, so I’m giving him the foods he needs, and it puts more strain on the food budget. We were soo not following the food budget before and I was trying to follow it this month but we’ve gone overรย because of a Costco trip. (How do you factor in a years worth of Britta water filters?) Anyways. We’re needing to redo the food budget so we can get more of the fresh foods he needs and the higher costing butter or egg substitutes. Ah, more money to find in the budget to spend. Oh how everything costs so much.