Archive for July 28th, 2007

Eden Day

Saturday, July 28th, 2007

Well Eden’s birthday was mostly fun. Lilah had a hard time sharing the balloon we got for Eden, or really even being apart from it, other than that whining it was a great day.
It started out that we had to got to Target to get Eden’s presents and some other miscellaneous things. We then stopped off at Smith’s for fruit and lunch for the adults that would be coming over.
Sam and Britta came over around 11:30. We had fun chatting while the girls colored and playedร‚ย  a little. I also baked some ready made cookie dough so we could have a snack.ร‚ย  We had the Stouffer’s Panini’s for lunch and the girls ate sandwiches. (I wanted to go to Costco and get turkey wraps but I didn’t have enough time to head over there.)

Towards the end of lunch Emily, from our church, and her two daughters, Katia (3) and Isabell (2), came by. I invited over just a couple people because our house is small and I didn’t want to do a party, it was more like a glorified play date.

All the girls got along well. One funny occurrence happened with Isabell. She saw a koosh ball on the ground and thought it was a spider and gave out a little scream. Emily went back to check on her and she tried to show her it was just a ball but Isabell was not buying it. Emily tossed it into the girls room and from that point on Isabell would not go into their room and stayed in the living room with us and she kept telling us about the “spider”. It was cute.
Everyone left about nap time.ร‚ย  I sent them off with some gladware containers that had Disney princesses or Hello Kitty on them. (They were in the dollar isle at target and I thought they’d be an easy “glorified play date constellation prize”.)
I baked a cake while the girls were sleeping and we had Eden’s favorite meal for dinner, Pot pies and rice and then some cottage cheese.

We weren’t planning on having any extended family for cake and ice cream but earlier that morning my mom called about coming over. She was out of town on Lilah’s birthday and had to work the night we celebrated Kaitlyn’s birthday so she wanted to come over for Eden’s birthday “since she could”. I think the grandma guilt of missing the other two granddaughters birthdays had just gotten to her. So for cake we had my parent’s and my brother Glenn here also.
Eden got two board books, one regular wooden puzzle and a fishing game board puzzle. It uses magnets and metal to catch the fish and was a big hit. (We’ve had it for 3 days and we’re already missing a piece, something that really annoys me because I’m kinda anal about keeping and finding all the pieces for these wooden puzzles.)

After the grandparents left we put the two girls down for bed and enjoyed playing with them a little longer than normal at bedtime.