Archive for October 15th, 2007


Monday, October 15th, 2007

Zarina Marie Park
October 15, 2007
8:22 pm
7lbs. 9 oz.
19 1/2 inches
At least I think this is what Carolyn told me, and I think she has it correct.

Pictures to come when Brien E-mails me.

I can almost smell the newborn.

Monday, October 15th, 2007

So they were going to break Andrea’s water today at noon.
I was at my parents house during the madness, well more like grumpiness, of them getting ready to leave.
I kept telling my dad that they baby would be there once he got there so it didn’t matter when they left. (Once he’s ready you must be ready because he gets grumpy, even if it took him a while to get ready.)
Heck if they get there early, they’ll just get to wait around anyways.

My parents also picked up some food from some Chinese restaurant, Payday or something that I’ve never heard of, for the mother and father to be.
I hope the lettuce wraps still taste good after 4 1/2 hours of driving.

It took me 6 1/2 hours to have Lilah after they broke my water, so I think my parents might have to play the waiting game once in Ely, though the left here around 1:30.

I hope the labor goes as smoothly as labor can go. I hope Brien doesn’t faint.