Archive for November 22nd, 2007


Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Jon asked Lilah what tomorrow was and she enthusiastically replied “Turkey Day!!”

I’m excited for Thanksgiving. I’m not sure why.
I made some really good rolls to take to the in-laws tonight. Like really good. The last batch I made, just last week for Carolyn, weren’t as good as these.
I’m making pumpkin pie that unless I take a piece with me I may not get any since we won’t be at my parents house for desert.

Andrea and Brien stopped by after their dentist appointments today.
It was funny because the girls got to see Zarina and even got their picture taken before I saw her.
She was grumpy and needed to be fed so I took a quick peak of the cute girl and ate lunch while I waited for her to get a full belly.
She’s adorable and decided to poop or pass gas while I held her.

I really love that Andrea and Brien make time to visit us when they’re in town.
Often on there way out or in they stop by since we’re just a small detour off and back onto the freeway.
And they have dentist appointments twice a year so they visit after or before their appointments.
It makes me happy and I feel loved that they do this.
I’m use to many relatives always saying we traveled this far you need to come see us, but it was hard when we only had one car or I never knew when they’re going to be at the house.
Also since our house is so small about only 2 or 3 other people can fit in it comfortably, though we’ve had more, and is also seen as a reason to not stop by.

I guess I just appreciate the effort put forth by Andrea and Brien to see my family.
It makes me feel loved.

Thanks Andrea and Brien.
We love you.

Anyways, tomorrow is Turkey day and it looks like I won’t need the turkey to be tired since I’m up at 1 am and my body likes to nap in the afternoon anyways.Jon is also up so I’m not sure who will be more fit to drive tomorrow after we have turkey at my parents and have to drive the 45 minutes across town to his sisters.(They’re 33.3 miles apart. So fun.)