This weekend we did a very short trip to Ely to visit Andrea and Brien and to see Zarina blessed.
We left late on Saturday around 1 o’clock. (Jon was topping off fluids and accidentally put the pink windshield wiper fluid in the pink coolant fluid. It might have been OK, but since we were going on a long trip with very few towns and a lot of nothing in between we thought it would be better to have the engine flushed to be on the safe side. He was there for 3 hours. Ugh.)
We got on the road and the girls and I got excited when we we saw that there was snow on the mountains outside of Alamo.
Just in the car having fun.
Snow on the mountains!
Pretty cloud on mountain.
Are you sure you want to go this way?
We went the long way, or scenic drive to Ely through Caliente.
The Union Pacific train station in Caliente. Jon said he rode though Caliente several times as a kid on the train. (His father worked for UP.)
We stopped and played in some snow on the roadside.
I will say I thought it was pretty until Jon decided to throw snowballs, which he did immediately after getting out of the car.
The girls weren’t in the snow clothes I brought and I didn’t want them getting wet from the snow sticking to them.
OK I also didn’t want them getting dirty.
They loved it and wanted to make a snow angel like Daddy had, but I was wanting to get back into the warm car and onto the road again.
Jon mentioned how driving in the snow made him feel like he was on a different planet.
I’d have to agree.
Neither of us grew up in snow, Jon did go on a mission to New York, but that has been over 10 years ago.
Snow is just foreign to us Las Vegans.
I just noticed this guys headlights weren’t on.
It was pretty. The scenic drive wasn’t very scenic with the snow storm, but it was still pretty.
Uh, where’s the scenery?
We’ll have to visit Mount Charleston for some snow. The girls just loved it and maybe next time I’ll let them get dirty and wet.
We got to Ely around dinner time and headed over to Andrea and Brien’s for a short visit.
Eden loved Zarina and wanted to hold her.
The next day while getting ready for church Eden began to smell. So I gave her a bath and Jon inspected her dress.
A poopy diaper that she had that morning had leaked on the dress, so it smelled. We decided we’d better dress her in her pants rather then have her be stinky and in a dress.
The sacrament meeting was nice and we headed over to Andrea and Brien’s for a delicious meal of pulled pork sandwiches.
It was all of Brien’s family and then us, and his one neighbor.
(My parents wanted to wait till the crowd died down since they had my aunt who has cerebral palsy with them.)
Zarina after church.
We got some pictures and then took off home.
The Parks.
The Parks with Lilah and Eden. (This is what Eden wore to church.)
Proud aunt with Zarina.
It was a very long drive and the girls started being roosters right as we got near the city and they continued for about the 20 minute drive in. And that is Eden at the end talking, for those who think she doesn’t talk, she does talk and a lot at times.