Archive for February 12th, 2008

Things Eden does.

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

With my recent post about Lilah I thought I’d write about Eden.

One things she’s up to is being a monster. She loves to growl and eat people. She’s also eaten the grocery list, her clean diapers, and on Sunday she ate play dough.
Hot pink play dough always hits the spot.

Luckily play dough is non toxic, I think, and I’m pretty sure she just had a mouthful and I had her spit it out.

Another thing Eden does is come up and spank you and says “spank spank”, or she’ll pound her head into your butt. Lilah also loves to spank people too, but she doesn’t do the butt head butting. Eden also tries to pinch your butt, but it’s more a tickle. (I pinch and spank their bottoms teasingly.)

Eden also asks “Are you OK?” if she hears a loud noise. Like you drop something. “Are you OK?” or if you run into a wall. “Are you OK?”
She’s very thoughtful. To the point that she annoys Lilah with her “Are you OK?”‘s.

So there’s a little about Eden and a video of her animal noises.