Archive for April 25th, 2008

It’s Spring- at least in Vegas.

Friday, April 25th, 2008

This week has turned out to be a busy one, not intentionally, so it’s hindered the potty training, but I’m still letting Eden give most of the direction as of now.

Monday I cleaned our back patio, to a degree since we still need to put one more brick in and add the sand to the sand box.

Tuesday Lilah’s friend Britta had her “Grand Opening” of her restaurant and invited all her class friends. It was so fun for the girls. Sam had made menus and Britta got the orders and served all the kids. Lilah now wants her own restaurant, but I tell her I have to clean my house first.

Wednesday we needed to go sign the papers on our life insurance. It turned out UNLV was doing some Earth Day events for elementary aged kids and it was open to the public so we headed over a little early to pick up Jon and changed our appointment to a later time. It was a windy day and there were only so many things to see so we just made our new appointment on time. Jon was a doll and parked my car in the boon docks, other wise known as the Thomas and Mack, and he got it for us, so we only had to wait for him to come back.

Thursday I cleaned my bathrooms because Lilah’s class was canceled due to do half the kids being sick and another mom being out of town, so it left two kids for Lilah’s class, including her and two kids for Eden’s class.

Today I was flipping through the channels, which I never do in the morning, it’s always just on PBS, and the weather came on. Today was to be in the 70’s with it being 79 by 5 pm and light breezes. I decided that I hadn’t spent much time with the girls and a morning at the park would be fun. ( I think I was confused with our bad attitudes last week being a sign I hadn’t spent much time with them.)

I called Sam and we had a long morning at the park, I mean long, like nearly 3 hours. It was the perfect day and the girls had a blast. It seems like the weather heats up so fast sometimes so I thought Jon would be happy that I took the opportunity to take them outside and enjoy it. (I have a tendency to get stuck in a rut and not take the girls outside even on beautiful days.)

Tomorrow who knows what we’ll do with this beautiful weather.