Monday the girls went over to Sam’s house to play with Britta. I was talking to Sam that morning and mentioned that I was going to be sewing all day. She said I should just bring the girls over for a couple of hours so I could sew and Britta could be occupied and have fun. I took her up on the offer and dropped them off that morning.
I got the pattern and fabric to make these dresses back in May, possibly April. With not being able to lift anything I couldn’t work on them in May.(I sew at my kitchen table so I’d have to pick up and put away the sewing machine.) Plus my shoulder seemed to be bothered easily so I didn’t sew.
Life has been busy so I still didn’t sew once I got the OK two weeks ago.
Sunday the home teachers were suppose to come over so I cleaned my house and tidied up, something that I would have normally left till Monday. The one who made the appointment must have forgotten because they never came.
So Monday morning my house looked pretty descent and I didn’t have much to do so I sewed. I sewed all day long with the normal breaks and was able to finish Eden’s dress that evening. (I did French seams and basically I sew the dress twice so the fabric is enclosed and doesn’t fray.)
Tuesday we went and saw Enchanted at a local theater that does free movies for kids on certain days. It was so cute and is on my to buy list. I also ran by the DI and found a VCR for $5. Ours had broken and though most of our movies are DVD’s we do have some videos that I have wanted to watch but haven’t been able to, plus when we check out from the library kids video’s always work, where as only 1 in 4 kids DVD’s work.
I also did some shopping at Target and Smith’s.
Wednesday was another sewing day. I was also potty training Eden in the very active way. (Setting the timer and putting her on the toilet every 45 minutes.) She went poop in the pull-up right after her nap, before I could get her to the toilet. She just doesn’t seem to be getting it.
Wednesday was a hard day at times. Lilah hates time out and will not stand in time out, thus not beginning her time out, for like 5 minutes and only when I force her to stand there does she. I don’t know what to do with her at times.
I finished Lilah’s dress late in the morning today since I was also watching a movie from Netflix. They had their first swimming lessons today, thus why I needed them done by today, at least in my mind. I’m using them as cover ups for their swimsuits. This way I can change them into dry clothes and underwear after we’re in the pool. Plus they’re cute and I needed to get them done since the summer is half over already.
They did well for their first swimming lessons. Eden only worked with the young woman for 15 minutes because she just wasn’t wanting to follow directions. Neither of them put their head completely under water and it was a bit of a bust at times, but they enjoyed just playing after the lesson was officially over.
We’re taking them from a former lifegaurd/ swim teacher that was referred to me by a friend. It’s $50 for four 1 hour sessions. (At one point she had said $25, but that was just for one child at 4 half hour lessons, we had gotten confused on the phone.)
It’s more expensive than the community pool, but those areรย larger classes, we’d have to pay for the lesson plus admission for the pool for each class and both of us would need to be there so one of us could take care of one girl. It is comparable to the community pool after the extra expenses. Plus they each get one on one time with the teacher and it’s at the time we want it, not the community pool time.
I think Lilah really enjoyed it, but Eden may not be quite ready. Hopefully she’ll get more comfortable with getting water on her face, as will Lialh, I hope. I think I’m going to buy some goggles for them to help encourage going under water.
And here they are in my creations.