Secret wishes
Friday, July 18th, 2008I know while growing up we all had things we secretly wanted to be, do, or be recognized for. I had several things and in a way I would still love to accomplish some of them, if only I knew how or maybe if I put a lot of time and effort into them. For the most part I’m happy just dreaming about them and maybe someday I’ll accomplish one.
I’d like to share some of my secret wishes for talents I wish I had.
When I was little I wanted to be the voice to a major character in a Disney cartoon. Of course when I was little I wanted to be Ariel in The Little Mermaid, or Bell in Beauty and the Beast. I knew every line and hoped that one day my voice would somehow be discovered.
I continue to dream this, though I know singing is not something I’d want to do, but talking, I could do that and how awesome would it be to be in like a Pixar film, and I’d be happy with just two lines.
Becoming a wonderful writer is next on my list of my secret talents that I want to develop. Now I’m still young and I have a lot of life to live, but writing something unique and interesting or making the norm interesting is hard for me or I only get the creative bug every once in a while. I love a few blogs where the writers can make anything funny or elegant.
I’d be happy just being a really good blog writer, but I would also love to write a book.
I’m sure most writers would love to be featured on Oprah’s book list and if I were to publish that would be an honor. Now I’m not some big Oprah fan. I don’t even watch her, but to be on her book list would mean millions of dollars in free publicity, probably after spending a nice sum to be noticed. I’ve wanted to write non-fiction, fiction, a memoir or even a book about dealing with skin cancer and collecting stories of how it’s affected different people. Things that I find interesting, but wonder if I could make them interesting to others.
Next on my list is becoming a great public or motivational speaker. This wasn’t something I wanted when I was younger, but it goes hand in hand with wanting public approval on a grand scale, like writing a best seller. At one time I wanted to be a great singer, which I still do to some degree, but that’s kinda morphed into wanting to be a great public speaker. I really enjoy teaching adults and speaking in sacrament. I just have to have a good topic to speak on so I can speak for a long period of time. I don’t have any training outside of what I’ve learned at church and I wouldn’t want to be one of those phony public speakers, but a genuine one without all the gimmicks. I just need to become an expert in something.
I’ve always wanted to dance but I have very poor rhythm so it will probably never happen, but like my friend Elizabeth I love watching dance shows and wish I could be even half as talented as those performers.
A great cake decorator, baker, or candy maker. I feel I lack some of the natural creative talent, I’m good at mimicking but not always coming up with ideas. Plus all the time it would take to practice and all the weight those around me and myself would gain as I practiced.
Lastly a great criminal psychologist. I minored in criminal justice because it’s fascinating to me, though I don’t know if I could stomach being a criminal psychologist in the serial murder or sexual abuse way, though that’s the most fascinating at the same time.
It’s funny because I know I could accomplish many of these goals to some degree, but I’m not sure how to take them to the next level and I doubt my creative talent immensely. Which Jon says creativity in all in your head. If you think you are creative you can be creative. If you think you aren’t then you’re not.
Sewing is one of the few things I feel I’m somewhat good at, but then I read my Sew News magazine and realize how little I know and understand. I feel I could get really good at it if I had the time and space for all the right materials and became proficient in the lingo.
Jon sent me a link to this video on Ira Glass from This American Life air on getting through the suck. It’s about how everyone has bad periods where they’re learning and the finished product is still not as good as they want it and they know they can do better. feel as though the finished project isn’t what I want, but I’m not sure how to get it better because I have little confidence in my abilities.
I hope to get through the suck someday and tap one of these hidden desires/ potentials.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do/ become?