Archive for September 5th, 2008

Grammar Check

Friday, September 5th, 2008

I’m thinking of doing the blog to book thing. It’s a little pricey but for a personalized book of things I’ve written I think it’s totally worth it and then I will have a hard copy of my blog. How cool would that be for posterity?!

I’ve got a lot of posts under my belt, 569 including this one.
I would probably do a book for each year I’ve blogged, of course I started on Sept 2, 2005 so I may combine that with the year of 2006.

My fist step is to go back and reread everything I’ve written. I use spell check, because I am a terrible speller, but I wish they had grammar check.

Sometimes after I’ve posted something and I see a very obvious mistake I think, “Ugh, why didn’t anyone tell me I was such a nerd and horrible writer.” Then there are times when I use the wrong than/then or there/their, like I probably just did.

So feel free to correct my grammar or if I’ve added an odd word. Hopefully I’ll only have to read up to the first half of 2008 for my grammar check, and awkward sentence structure check.

Lost in translation.

Friday, September 5th, 2008

The girls point out different vehicles while we’re driving. School buses are the favorite, city buses are common, delivery man trucks are also fun for them.

Today while entering the freeway I saw a school bus.

Me: “Look girls, to our right, there’s a school bus. Hurry we’re passing it.”
Lilah: “That’s the left.”
Me: “Oh, yeah. That is the left. It’s a good thing you know your directions.”

This is a classic Lacey mistake. For the life of me I cannot get my directions right. I get them correct about 65% of the time,ร‚ย  and the rest I just confuse and anger myself or the people I’m giving directions to.

Countless times I’ve told Jon “Go right” and I’m pointing to the left. I keep telling him that my hands are always correct. Then there are the times I’m not using my hands and I tell him the wrong direction and have to correct myself.ร‚ย  Lastly, there are the times I am telling him the correct direction and he asks me if I’m sure. “Of course I’m sure. I know my leftร‚ย  hand from my right.”ร‚ย  Sometimes.

I’m just glad Lilah has inherited Jon sense of direction, or at least knowledge of the right from the left. I actually have a better sense of direction when we’re driving. It just gets lost in translation.