Family Pictures 2008
Thursday, September 11th, 2008I’m so happy with the photos we got this year. I wish we had maybe one more different pose of the girls together and one of Jon and I together, but we don’t change that much, I just think the photographer would have done a better job than our last couples photo from two years ago, and with the CD it would have been worth it, but we didn’t decide to buy the CD till after we had finished our session.
So here are the photos.
Eden’s pirate face, as we call it.รย (01family)
I don’t like this photo and will not be giving it to anyone who wants it. I do think Jon has a mischievous smile and I’m using it as an example of a bad angle if you have a small double chin like me.รย (04family)
This is a better angle for us double chinners and I just love these two family pics.รย (05family)
Girls are so cute. (07girls)
Uh, we kinda like each other.รย (09girls)
We really like each other. (10girls)
She told them to kiss and boy did they give each other aรย big kiss. I’ve learned I’m not a fan of kissing pictures.
Cute Edenรย (13eden)
Cute Lilah (16lilah)
Someday we might be able to afford a photographer that will frolic in the grass or mountains with us, but for now I’m very happy with our in studio pictures.