Archive for September 15th, 2008


Monday, September 15th, 2008

Today was my first day taking the 6 am yoga class at a local community center. I tried to get to bed early, but it is hard to begin a new habit, it’s also hard when your sister’s cell phone decides to call you at 11 pm. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I awoke several times during the night. My body doesn’t know when 5:30 am is, so I kept waking up wondering what time it was. At one point I noticed our bedroom door was shut so I rolled over to see if one of the girls had climbed in, but there was no girl in my bed nor was there a husband. I knew it must almost be 5:30.
My alarm went off shortly after and I lingered in bed. Jon came in to get me up and I reluctantly got started on my day.ร‚ย  My eyes were to tired for contacts so I just wore my glasses and brushed my hair after I got dressed. I ate a small plum because I felt hungry, and had not eaten my normal evening snack which helps me to be less light headed in the morning.

I got to the rec center a little before six. I that saw a group of people had congregated outside the door and wondered if they were also there for the yoga class. They were not. They were there to work out and I was the first person to yoga. I waited and my friend Sam and one other person showed up. We prepared the room since the instructor had not shown up yet, which I was told was very unusual for her. The instructor and one other woman came in around 6:10 and we began stretchingร‚ย  with the assistance of a ballet bar, relaxing our backs and stretching our tail bones.

The instructor, who will be 71 on Christmas Eve, then showed me some modified poses by using the wall. Boy were they hard. My body is so tense and I am so not flexible. The moves used more upper body and core strength than anything, but those are two things I also lack. ( I definitely need to do some core training on my off days to get the most out of yoga.)

After showing me some poses on the wall we went to the mates. I have terrible posture and do not know how to stand up straight. Another thing I need to work on.

We did some poses on the floor and I felt a little more confident. I could do the sphinx and downward dog, but I had to leave before they finished so I could get home to Jon because he needed to leave for work.

The class had started very late and was ending even later.

I do feel a difference in my body, mostly my back and shoulders. Two places that have bothered me a lot lately.

I took a nap this afternoon because I was so tired, and I’m going to try to wake up early for a work out tomorrow. Jon pointed out that myร‚ย  new schedule will limit both our quiet times. His time to himself is early in the morning, which I will be gone for three days of the week, and mine is at night, which I now won’t have because I’ll have to go to bed early. I am able to take naps if I want to stay up late, but I really want to avoid taking long naps, which is what I do and have a healthier sleep schedule.

I’m hoping to find solitude in the new schedule. Though I do worry about what to do with myself on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My at home work out isn’t more than a half hour and it will greatly distract from Jon’s quiet time. I guess we’ll figure it out as time goes on.

Family Reunion Pictures

Monday, September 15th, 2008

I finally went through the pictures from our trip to Idaho.
I took over 100, but I put only around 50 in the video. ๐Ÿ™‚

Forgive any misspellings, there always seems to be one I gloss over until I’ve already published and posted it.

The song is Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s Country home. It has a Hawaiian twist, in which I wish I lived by the beach, but I think it was kinda fitting for family reunion pictures. (I was just going to choose any random song I liked and it’s really the random song I liked and chose.)

If you want to read about our trip to Idaho and Ely you can go to these two different posts.