Archive for October 9th, 2008

A while back….

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

A while back I was watching PBS while cutting out the fabric for the girl’s summer dresses. On was show about Harry Truman and I loved it. I found it so interesting and he’s become one of my favorite presidents since watching it, though I had liked him before.

One interesting fact is he was elected as FDR’s vice president and FDR died just a few months, into his fourth term. His doctors knew he was going to die, but for whatever reason they went ahead onร‚ย  letting him be reelected for the fourth time.

It makes me think of our current republican candidate, John McCain. I know 70’s not that old, but I do worry about him dying, though it could happen to anyone at anytime, and I don’t like his vice president, not that I like the democratic vice president any more, but I don’t like Palin at all for a president.

Anyways, we watched the PBS special on Jimmy Carter the other night and now I want these DVDs on them. With homeschooling I think these biographies are so informative, not only on the person, but the world events that were taking place, since the person they’re about was a president and had to deal with these world events.

I’m just a big fan of these historical biographies and want all of them on the presidents, maybe even the one on Fidel Castro and Freud, and anyone else I think is interesting.

I’d put these on my wish list on amazon but amazon doesn’t sell them, so make a mental note honey, though you sent me the links, I want these DVD’s and I think they’re totally worth the slightly overpriced price since it’s PBS.