Archive for December 11th, 2008


Thursday, December 11th, 2008

I asked my sister Andrea how the whole getting digital pictures from Costco works and she told me how the whole thing works. With telling me she informed me that I can organize and upload them from the comfort of my own home.

We also talked about the great pricing on photo greeting cards and what not.

Well, as I finally logged on and starting looking I realized that I can make a calender for a mere $9.99. Of course is just 8×10 and not fancy, but I can make a fancy 17 x whatever that is laminated and fancy for $17.99.

Well, I’m not going to go fancy, but I think Dara and Jason would like a calendar of our family photos. It might sound narcissistic, but they love our little family and this way they get lots of pictures, rather than just one. So now I just have to figure out what photo’s I want on the calendar and I’ll ignore the groceries that need to get put away and eventually read my lesson for Sunday.