Archive for January 24th, 2009

Just to get it off my chest.

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

I woke up when I heard the doorbell and knock on the screen door then Jon came to ask me if the cousin could come play along with the neighbor girl, but he was studying and didn’t want to be in charge of the cousin had he stayed.

The cousin is a toddler, maybe 2 years old.

I hated telling the older boy, around 9, that the little cousin could not stay, he’s just too little. (And at that particular moment Lilah was playing with some home school cards that I did not want to be bent or played with by the little cousin.)

After telling them no a few different ways the older cousin yelled to get his uncle’s attention, not the father at this point, and eventually drug the young, crying,ร‚ย  toddler away. I hear them yell, “Stop it!” at the toddler a few times and then “Nobody wants to play with you!” and notice by now who I think the father is has joined them in the street to take the young cousin into theร‚ย  house.

I felt bad for the young toddler,ร‚ย  and the neighbor girl who decided to not stay, but I ain’t no babysitter and that kid would have needed a babysitter.

(Note: I’m not sure who’s idea it was to bring over the toddler, the neighbor girl might have just wanted to bring him over and play with him here because he’s fun, but some adult should have known that he was too young to “play” at the neighbor’s house and should have said no.)