Archive for December 26th, 2009

Wii Widow

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

We got a Wii for Christmas. It’s been lots of fun and I am now a Wii widow…at least until the novelty of it runs outs. I would like to play, but the lure of dishes, laundry and the fact that someone else is usually playing makes it a little more difficult. It has been fun and I’m so happy we got the Wii Fit. I’m also lucky because Carolyn and Derek now think of us and what our girls might like when they buy games so we’ll get to borrow and try some out without purchasing them ourselves, unless we really like them, then we’ll buy them. (Sigh to all that comes with a game console, though it is lots of fun.)

We have had a wonderful Christmas and I hope yours was merry and bright. I now need to do dishes and think of something to do for my church lesson tomorrow since we ran out of lessons. So fun.