Archive for January 5th, 2010

Letting go

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

So, I need to post pictures, but I thought I’d blog real quick on two things, since I’m not posting any pictures tonight anyways.

First, the girls had their first sleepover. As in we left them with someone not related! Though, I think Lilah being left with my parents while I had Eden was the last time we left a child overnight without one of us there, so this was major.

Lilah and Eden slept over at Britta’s house for New Years Eve. It was perfect because I stayed and hung out with Sam and our girls that night and was able to tuck them into bed before I left. Since Jon was sick and Sam’s husband goes to bed early it seemed perfect for us to have a girls night for New Years Eve.

We had Chinese food, root beer floats, and other not so healthy snacks. We made party hats and the girls played games. Eden fell asleep at 11:40 pm or so and Lilah and Britta made it till midnight. So Lilah was my New Years kissee (kisser? kiss?).

It wasn’t too hard leaving them there since I got to spend so much time with them before I left, I trust Sam completely and I was super tired, but I still think it’s a fun milestone.

Second, Eden is taking dance once more and this time I’m not taking her.

Sam teaches an afternoon dance class, so I signed Eden up for it since she showed interest in it after getting a new Sigg bottle with a ballet dancer on it. I watch Matilda for just a little bit before Matt is able to get home, so Sam just takes Eden with her to class. When Matt comes to get Matilda he leaves Britta to play with Lilah and then we switch kids again once Sam brings Eden home.

I really feel that I’m a safety net for Eden. She seems to be much more shy and reserved when I’m around so I thought with me not being there she might actually participate, and apparently I was correct. Today was just the first class, but she did wonderfully and fully participated.

I’m one of Eden’s biggest cheer leaders, but for some reason I’m also her biggest hindrance. It’s hard knowing I have a somewhat negative affect on Eden. I really want to be there taking pictures and supporting her, but I think I need to support her from afar for a little time. Once she settles in I might go watch, but I want her to really be confident so she doesn’t feel she needs to act shy or be reserved just because I’m around and she thinks that’s how she needs to act when I’m there. It’s difficult because I want to be there so badly, but I know me not watching her is for the better.

I’m needing to let go a little more than before and even though it’s fun, I also hate that they’re growing so fast.