So this post is mostly about Lilah.
She’s growing too fast.
And I’m getting old, well I’m not really that old, but she’s getting older and I feel old as she grows. Almost everyday I ask the girls to stop growing, but they don’t, and their reply is usually that they can’t stop growing.
Sigh….I guess I’ll just have to keep letting them grow and get bigger and become more independent.
Speaking of independence there are certain things I do for my children, even though they’re big enough to do it on their own, but I’m trying to let go and enjoy a little freedom, even if it does mean the girls might take longer doing it themselves. I also find, that if I wait long enough they catch on a lot more quickly, so it saves some frustration by waiting on both our parts.
Case one:
I still bath the girls and wash their hair and bodies for them…well I used to. I’m kinda strange when it comes to bath time. When I was a young I took baths all by myself by the age of 6. I also just washed myself and cleaned my hair by laying in the bath water and running my hands through it.
Now I think that is so gross.
I should mention baths in general are yucky to me now as an adult. I don’t ever dream of soaking in a nice long bubble bath reading a book or relaxing by candle light. It’s just too yucky for me. So I do have the girls wash their own bodies with the wash cloths, but I usually wash their hair and to rinse them clean by turning on the faucet and rinsing them that way. It works for us, but it takes time and I’ve never taught them how to do it themselves, because usually they take the cup and just dump the water behind them. They’ve also hated showers.
Until now.
Now they love showers, and do crazy shower dances. I still have to greatly help Eden, but I’m mostly just instructing Lilah now, just to make sure she gets all the soap rinsed.
I decided to teach Lilah how to shower so it could free up some of my own time. I don’t have time to bath her every other day, and with the summer coming she’s going to need to be bathed or showered every other to every day.
She’s loving it and I’m loving my free time.
I waited a long time to teach her to shower because it was just so much trouble to shower her before. She was scared of the shower, and still is, but she’s also old enough that her fear is quickly vanishing. Now they both want to take a shower everyday, even though they’ve only taken 3, but I’m happy to let go and let them get clean. I think our water bills are going to be a little higher from now on though.
Case two:
I have never bought Lilah shoes with shoe laces, not since she was a small toddler anyways. I’ve always bought shoes with velcro. Mostly it’s because the ones we liked had velcro, but also because I did not want to teach her to tie her shoes, or have to tie them for her if she wasn’t able to learn.
Yesterday I bought Lilah shoes with laces, and today I taught her how to tie them.
I think waiting was best for us and she’s just at that perfect age and fine motor skills to learn how to tie shoes quickly. I actually did not want to teach her because I feared that I might lose my patience, but how could I not teach her when she was wanting to learn and was trying it out this morning?
I taught her the round the rabbit hole method, or is it around the tree? Anyways, she got it and now is able to tie her shoes, though she still needs help getting them on and tightening the laces.
One thing at a time.
And will you please tell her to stop growing.