Tuesday, March 16th, 2010Rehearsals have begun for the play.
And I am so excited.
Instead of being third girl we’ve switched me to second girl, but only because I cannot comfortably hit the notes of third girl.
I really like being second girl, now I just need to learn the notes I sing since I was only vaguely paying attention when the previous girl sang because I was worried about hitting my high notes as third girl.
I’m really happy the director let me switch parts.
I’m assisting Anna on costumes this year. She is our costume designer, and I am really excited and nervous. Nervous, because I wonder what we’ll be sewing. Excited, because I love sewing for the plays, even if it is a lot and tedious at times, and at times frustrating…. but doing it and having people look nice is so wonderful and rewarding.
Hopefully what I make will look nice and contribute to the total look of the play.
I’m also so excited for our director. I’ve only had one other experience with a director, but this year, both the director and assistant director are very involved in even the small parts. They want us to develop who we are and bring it to the play. They want us to have purpose in where we move on stage, not just move because the choreographer told us to.
I’m loving it.
I’m suppose to be overly flirty, as are girl one and three, but I feel I need to work on a little. I feel rather silly since I am a mom of two girls, but I am an attractive woman, so I can be flirty, right? I like that I have more to my character this year, and I really am loving the play.
The dates are June 16th- 26th, except Sunday the 20th.
Be there to hear me sing and watch me be flirty. The girls will be in the opening scene and will no doubt be so cute, though we won’t find out what they’re doing till May.
I’m so excited for what’s to come!