Archive for March 25th, 2010

5 Things

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve listed anything I’m thankful for. This posts is about two of my very dear friends. I’ve become close to both of them over the past few years and it’s funny because they’ve never met, but as one gets ready to be a stay-at-home mom I know their paths will soon cross.

1. I’m grateful for a friend who will bring me milk when I am all out and don’t want to leave my house.
2. I’m grateful for a two friends who always have listening ears when I need someone to talk too, or in some cases willing to read since I instant message with one throughout the week.
3. I’m grateful for a friend who loves my girls so much and loves to go to the park with us during her lunch hour.
4. I’m grateful for a friend who lets me hang out at her house for no reason at all.
5. I’m grateful for a friend who comes to me with pregnancy questions, even if it’s been nearly five years since I was pregnant.

Thank you for being my friends, you both enrich my life and help me to be a better mom, woman and I hope a better friend too.


Thursday, March 25th, 2010

My blogging has been very few and far between lately. There are a lot of different reasons for that.

One reason is Facebook. I spend a lot of time on there, and it’s easier to do quick little updates than to write a long blog. Something I hate that I’ve begun doing. I need to make more time for my blog, since I do see it more as my journal.

Another reason is we’ve been so busy. I don’t have time to sit and type out what’s been happening because we’ve been gone all day doing things, and then I come home to catch up on other blogs and Facebook, and then it’s dinner time and then I don’t want to do anything after dinner. On my days home, like today, I just want to clean, except I don’t want to clean at this moment, and get my house back into a more comfortable place, since it’s just been pretty chaotic lately with all we’ve been doing.

The final reason is I think I was a very grumpy mom for a very long time and since I was so grumpy and snappy, writing a blog about our life was one of the last things I wanted to do. I was unhappy and easily irritable. The girls were doing everything in their power to bother me, at least it felt that way, and I was always upset about something.

It wasn’t fun for anyone around here.

I’ve been more happy and less grumpy lately, but I honestly don’t know when or why I started being a more even tempered person. I don’t remember if it was a conscious choice, or if it was an unconscious choice that I’ve just consciously realized. I partially don’t remember because it was a while ago that I feel I became a more bearable person to live with.

I know my family was on pins and needles, wondering when and what would set me off that day. I know Jon tried to help make it so I was less stressed, and when he saw the chaos was getting to me, he would try to help and encourage the girls to also help. I also know that he never tried to interfere, or contradict me and my very strict parenting ways in front of the girls. We always talked about it later, which was hard since I have a hard time talking about parenting because I feel I am the dominant parent. ( It’s difficult when you’re with the children 24/7 and you might feel like your parenting techniques are better and should take precedent over the other parent who only has to deal with it on a more part time basis. )

I can be pretty stubborn.

So I’m not sure why I changed, or really why I was even so upset, but now things are a little better in the house. We still have our hard moments and I still get really upset, but it’s not as regular or frequent. I’m trying to deal with our disagreements with a more even temperament, but I’m still at a lost plenty of times at what to do to improve a certain behavior with the girls. We try to have more natural consequences, but sometimes their is no natural consequence and I don’t like to punish with chores or other things that I feel are just a part of being in the family.

Being a parent is hard, but I’m happy I have Jon as a companion to help me. As we navigate this road together he tries to support me and help me be better, and when I’m being stubborn and don’t want to change, he waits patiently. When he’s being stubborn I also try to wait patiently, since we both have our bad days.

I love you dear and am happy to be on this road with you.

Long Hair

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

I’m trying to grow my hair out, but there are a few things I don’t like.

1. Having to do my hair every day. With short hair I could get away more easily with only doing it every other day if I slept on it the right way. Now I have to have a ponytail and I just don’t like how I look in a ponytail.

2. I go through a lot more shampoo. This is because I have more hair and because I have to clean it more often.

3. Spit Ends. I get them and my hair is long enough that I pick at them. Ick.

4. Knots. I get them and they hurt to comb out.

5. Long hair in food. Really my hair doesn’t fall in the food I’m cooking, at least not often or any time recently, but picking a long hair out seems worse than a shorter one.

6. Our shower drain gets clogged more quickly. I’m just happy I have a husband willing to snake it, because I find it utterly revolting.

So those are the cons.

Here are the pros.

1. I have long hair to do something with in the play. Not sure if this is a pro since I’m not good at doing my hair.

2. I look younger with long hair. Since I turn the ripe old age of 27 I need all the help I can get. ๐Ÿ˜‰

3. When people see me with long hair that I knew a long time ago they think I look exactly the same. I think this is a pro, but at the same time I do not want to be known as being exactly like I was in high school, or as if I haven’t changed. I have changed… just not much.

4. Long hair feels nicer when it’s played with, as long as I’ve combed out the knots first.

5. I can tickle my girls with my long hair and Eden loves to play with it, though she loved to play with my short hair too.

6. I’m going to give it to charity, and help someone feel a little more beautiful, or handsome in a couple of years.

I’m enjoying having my hair long, but it’s hard at the same time. I want it to be short and a little less maintenance. It’s the last pro that keeps me from cutting off 4 inches and being Carolyn’s twin again.

The time cannot pass quickly enough for me to cut off my hair, but then again I want time to stop for a whole other reason.