What I’ve been up too.
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010So life is continuously busy here at the Blake house. Last week I was a little lonely with Jon gone on a business trip, so I had a goal of going out each day so I could have adult contact in each 24 hours. It worked until Lilah got sick on Wednesday, but then on Thursday I was able to get back in the game and do stuff. Here’s a break down of my week.
Monday: Co-op open house. Basically I went and paid for co-op and saw some of the other moms and new moms. I’m helping the treasurer, since she has a baby that was recently release from the NICU, and we have a lot to figure out this term since we have so many families, the most we’ve had yet. I also visited Anna and her cute baby Alex, and did some shopping.
Tuesday: I did whatever around the house and that evening we had pizza at the park with Carolyn. Then we went back to the Svilar’s to play games and visit with Derek who does not like to venture outdoors on such short notice. Carolyn and Derek gave the girls a few things and Eden told me how Carolyn spoils them.
Wednesday: Lilah was feeling a little sick so we stayed home from the park. I was a very sad Mommy though, I think I got a lot done around my house this day, I can’t be entirely sure that a lot of time was not wasted on-line.
Thursday: I did more stuff around the house, or wasted time on-line, I can’t remember. My friend Beth and her daughters watched the girls so I could attend my first Concert Choir class at CSN. Our orchestra director for the play directs the class and convinced me to join. It was fun, though I realized how bad I am at picking out alto parts. I get to go shopping for a black dress, which I’m always excited to go shopping, and I think it will be a rewarding semester.
Friday: I canned peach jam and pie filling with Sam all day, literally. I was there from 10:20 am till just after 4 pm. We were helping one another, and though she had a lot more peaches to deal with after I left, I was able to make jam and pie filling with my 12 pounds, or whatever half a box was. It’s always more fun to can with someone rather than alone, so we had fun. My girls mostly played and Matilda mostly stayed out of the way. I then procrastinated, cleaned a little more, and picked Jon up at the airport that night. We were so happy to see Daddy and have him home with us after having him gone for 6 days.
I did do school every day, the regular house work, and even some cleaning and organizing of my hall closet and stove top. It’s funny how I’m now cleaning places people don’t see, but really for the sake of cleaning places people do see. My hall closet has been such a mess that I had to organize it to put the winter blankets away that had been hanging out in my bedroom all summer long. They are now put away until we need them in 4 weeks, maybe sooner if we have any cold spells. My stove top was just gross, so I cleaned the grease catcher things and now I’m not so embarrassed for anyone who might see them. My bathrooms….that’s another story.
I hope you all had a great week and had some adult interaction every 24 hours. I think adult interaction is greatly recommended for stay at home moms. ๐