Archive for November 24th, 2010

A small plug

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

So if you live in Las Vegas I’d love for you to come by a craft boutique a few friends of mine are having, and me. I believe it is all hand made items, and some of which are really cool.

I’ll be selling burp cloths, nursing covers, hooded towels, delicious white chocolate covered popcorn, and truffles at the boutique this year, along with my large bags.

It’s Saturday, December 4th, from 11-4 pm. We’ll have refreshments and it’s sure to be fun, even if you just come by to say hi and eat the free food and samples.

It’s at 901 Christy Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89110.

I participated in a boutique the first weekend of November and didn’t do to shabby. I’m so thankful Carolyn’s boss convinced me I should sell him popcorn and truffles last year. It’s really what allows me to continue to buy things for sewing. The popcorn especially. My truffles are pricey, but people love them too.

I’m also proud to say my website has kinda been updated. I still need to do a little work, and it’s been giving me some error messages, but I’m happy to say nicer pictures have been added thanks to a photo session with my wonderful friend Anna and two of the cutest models ever.

I don’t have all my products up, but you can see the cute bags I sell at