What’s in a decade?
Wednesday, January 19th, 2011It’s funny to try to sum up my life for the past ten years. In all honesty 10 years is more than a third of my life, and it just happens that the last ten years have, and will probably be, some of the most eventful ten years of my life, at least I kinda hope my life is a little calmer for the next decade.
To start out with ten years ago I was still in high school, still writing my missionary and envisioning some happily ever after. I was enjoying my final 6 months of my final year in high school, dating, singing, and hanging out with friends. I began working at the law office my mother had been working at, and took over her position when she left. There I met one of my longest lasting friends, but wouldn’t know it till 10 years later.
I had met Jon Blake, but he was just some old guy that I saw at the LDS Institute, in fact he was Little Jon, due to being only 5’6″ and then there was Big Jon, who was much taller.
I graduated from high school and thus began my first summer of freedom, and ironically, my last also. I enjoyed institute classes and meeting boys, flirting, and then registering for my first college classes. I applied to only one school and attended UNLV.
I began school already dating Jonathan Blake and became engaged to him very shortly after. We had a longer than normal engagement, at least by LDS standards, of 5 months. He was no longer “Little Jon” and my missionary was Dear Jon-ed just six months before he was to return home. I thought I was so mature, but I now know I wasn’t.
Marriage happened, and so did the first apartment.
I’ve lived in four different places. We’ve bought our first house and bought a second car together. I’ve been laid off of work once and held two jobs. Jon’s had four different jobs, eight different positions, been unemployed, underemployed and is now the soul provider in such a way that it would take me another decade to match his worth. We both graduated with our bachelors degrees, and Jon nearly obtained his Master’s in this same decade. ( May, in May he’ll be done!)
I became a mother.
I went through my first pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I picked the name Lilah, and Jon could only say yes to his just-given-birth-to-her-first-baby, baby’s mama when I said, “She looks like a Lilah,” though now we both believe it. (He’s still partial at Aliyah.)
I had two teeth removed, wisdom, and then Jon accepted his first position at UNLV, and has been there ever since.
We were then blessed with a second daughter, who’s name Jon chose and I approved, Eden. We’ve had several nieces and nephews born to our siblings, not to mention the additions of brother and sisters-in-laws.
We’ve traveled to Utah countless times. I learned where Ely, Nevada was, and have even visited it 5-6 times. I saw the ocean for the first time in the past decade, and was also able to show the ocean to my girls for their first time. We’ve been camping numerous times, mostly with family, and have taken the girls to Disneyland.
I’ve lost touch with friends, only to find them later due to social networking, something I hated at first. I’ve gained new friendships because of marriage and moving, strengthened my relationships with my sisters, and have come closer to one friend in a way I never would have imagined when we met just ten years ago.
I started a blog, and have neglected it.
I sang my first solo in the past decade, performed in my first play, learned to sew, and started marketing my talents.
In my marriage I’ve had wonderful highs, like getting married and having our first daughter, despairing lows, like learning my husband no longer believed in God, and wonderful mediums which allow me to stay constant in my love for Jonathan and the girls.
Yep, I think that kinda sums up the last ten years.
What has happened in the past decade to you?