September Highlights
Saturday, October 1st, 2011Lilah:
You woke up at 7 am and heard me give Daddy a good morning kiss and said, “Wait!”, thinking it was a good-bye kiss. I told you it was still early and to go back to sleep. Then you slept till 9 and really did miss Daddy’s good-bye kiss.
Telling me about Eden taking too much cereal. When I didn’t care, and you thought it unfair, you decided nobody loved you. I’m not ready for a teenager yet.
Not wanting to dance at Zumba because your finger hurt, and the air moving around it made it worse.
Holding Eden’s hand to take her to the bathroom for me while at the store.
Obsessing over Mario Cart, again. Being so excited that you unlocked Mirror Cup.
Playing dress up with Eden and almost always being her servant, while she was the princess. You were the one making up the story too.
Wanting to decorate for Halloween, in September.
Teaching Daddy how to make a fort with our couch when it was turned sideways to replace the feet. He apparently didn’t know how, and you were the expert.
Hiding your cereal the morning Lilah had tattled on you taking too much. You apparently had not heard our conversation of me not caring,
Letting me borrow my pillow, that you have decided is yours, while my shoulder was hurting me.
You face when you saw your build-a-bear turned right side out after we had sewn him. You were so happy and excited.
You were writing in your creative writing journal you were asking for words like house, girl, then for the word unordinary., I thought you really meant something else, but that’s what you wanted. “The girl with the flying house was unordinary.”
You eat a lot of pecans, and in an effort to decrease your eating of them and help save us a little money, I asked you to eat only one handful a day. You had already enjoyed a handful one day, and I saw that you had a mouth full of some food. I asked what you were eating and you said walnuts.
Playing your recorder all evening long after you first day at co-op. You would have thought it was glued to your hand since you never put it down.
Making me laugh late at night. “Blowing kisses”
You were sweaty and I didn’t want to touch you , so you said it was your “natural defense.” Of course I was trying to tickle you at the time.
I asked you what we should have for dinner, you said you didn’t know. I said you weren’t any help, and you pointed out all you had done and were going to still do that day: dishes, laundry, taking the girls out. So I told you you were a big help, and you then helped me decide we should have pancakes for dinner.