Random Blog Post
Sunday, January 15th, 2012So it’s half way through January and I have yet to post anything recently. I’m sure it’s not a big surprise, since I’m not very consistent.
Here’s what been going on in our lives.
-Jon’s father was in the hospital earlier this month because his heart was acting up. He was there for around 3 days being monitored and I’m not sure if they figured out what happened.
-I celebrated New Years on the strip with Sam. Matt helped her win tickets to Stevie Wonder, her favorite musician of all time. Since Matt doesn’t like staying up late, let alone staying up late on the Vegas strip in a room full of people, Sam invited me. Our girls had their sleep over a little early and on New Years Eve Jon had fun being with the girls and staying up late while I partied with Sam.
-We put Lilah and Eden in two local girl scout troops. They’re sister brownie and daisy troops, so for the most part they meet at the same school at the same time, but do not do the same things.
-We’re selling cookies, so if you’d like to buy, and we haven’t called you, let me know.
-We were this close to booking our amazing 10 year anniversary trip for an Alaskan cruise, then I decided we should buy a house instead. So we’re trying to buy a house, and yes there is a specific one.
-We’re trying to get the girl’s bathroom fixed so we can rent this place out. There are other things that will need to be done, but that’s top priority. Yeah, I didn’t want to fix up the bathroom just to leave, but that’s probably what’s going to happen.
-Getting a bathroom fixed is expensive.
-Buying a second house is expensive and scary.
-I’m hoping we’re better at fixing the next house. We’ll have to be and I think we will because the current home-owners have very different tastes than we do. Jon doesn’t agree to painting a room till we know how we’re decorating, so it will be interesting living there for the next year or so before we have money to do stuff and buy certain furniture pieces, like a couches and a new computer desk.
-Jon and I started a month of dance lessons. We’ve only taken one salsa dance class, and only danced with one another for 5 minutes, since they have you change partners, but it was tons of fun. When the girls are old enough to stay home by themselves, we might consider taking them again. For babysitting, I’ve bartered making 5 toddler dresses for my friend’s daughter’s wedding. Since I’m bartering, I don’t feel like I’m taking total advantage of a friend twice a week for a few hours each night.
-Our home-schooling co-op begins on the 23rd. I’ll be teaching chemistry. I’m a little nervous, especially since we might be moving during co-op. Chemistry is also really intimidating to me. I’m not sure what we’re doing, and the other teacher and I have just a week to figure things out. Yeah, we might be cutting it just a little too close. (We have idea’s, but haven’t hashed anything out.)