Archive for January 11th, 2013

House Tour!

Friday, January 11th, 2013

I just realized I’ve yet to post anything of Christmas or our holidays, but people have been wondering about my house. I only have “before” pictures and then a video of the after, but after our move with all our boxes. I’ll have to take some after pictures once we settle in. I was only going to post the video, but I think to appreciate the video fully, you have to see all the work we did to change this place. This post is dedicated to Shauntae, because she’s the only one who comments, and I know she’ll see and enjoy it. ๐Ÿ™‚


Living room


A view of our stairs from the living room.


The view from the living room looking into the dining room.


The view from the dining room looking into the kitchen.


The kitchen, and an Eden who was running around.


Wall in family room. (Our desk is on this wall in the video.)


The fireplace.


The back door in the family room. Only half the blinds are there. That’s not us, not closing the window.


The “bar” and hallway.


The downstairs bathroom.


The parrot window above the front door. We felt like we were taking down their like family flag or symbol when we removed it.

A better picture of the parrot window. At night, this thing shined so bright when the entry light was on.


A view looking upstairs from the front door.


Hallway to the sewing and library.




Library closet and door to hallway.


Sewing room


Girls’ room. It was OK for a kids room, but not what they wanted.


Girls’ room


Hallway leading to master bedroom.

We haven’t done anything to the master bedroom. I’m waiting to paint and change it till we get some sort of style going for it. I’m not much of a decorator, or I haven’t had much space to decorate, so we didn’t spend lots of money on furniture in the old house. We were kinda poor for a while, while we were having to buy our furniture.

Here’s the video tour of the house and it’s many changes. We re-floored the entire house, and have painted most of it. It was lots of work, but transformed it and was totally worth it.

I have been making my bed each day, and am trying to close all the shelves and drawers. ๐Ÿ™‚