Archive for the 'Friends' Category

I know you

Monday, May 19th, 2008

My high school choir teacher is retiring at the end of this school year. They had a retirement party for her Saturday night and a lot of old students came to her final concert on Friday night.

It was fun to see old faces, but really strange to see kids I babysat or taught in Primary in the high school choir. I felt really old.

For the song O’ Sifuni Mungu Mrs. B let any past members of Varsity Choir get up and sing. Here are the words to the song, and here is a rendition of it, though it’s notร‚ย  as wonderful as the choral one we sang, but it gives you an idea.

As a long side note: I hate singing any kind of solo’s. I had friends in choir that were just naturally talented singers and I hated any focus on me, since you often got criticized or made fun of behind your back in high school or worse, made fun of to your face. I was in the catch all Girls glee choir my freshman year, then Varsity for the following three years. My senior year I auditioned and joined Expressions, or the highest choir, but I’m sure I made it partially due to the fact that they needed altos. Four of us auditioned, you had to audition every year regardless if you were already in it, and all four of us made it. Fortunately solo days were few and far between and I only sang twice in front of the group. I’m really not a talented singer. I depend on others to help me find my strength as an alto, unless it’s a song I know really well.

Well, my senior year for the final concert I decided I would audition for one of the short solo’s in O’ Sifuni Mungo. Part of my reasoning behind it was my friend Alana was the only alto who sounded nice in the small group that auditioned and there were two alto solo’s so I decided that I would be the other alto and was gonna rock the solo, no matter how nervous I was.

Before I auditioned I practiced in my room all night. I recorded myself over and over again and listened to the recordings over and over again until I felt confident that I sounded nice and would get support from my friends and classmates, rather than criticism. I approached Alana and asked her how I sounded. She was so surprised that I had a voice, since I tended to sing quietly, and helped me get the timing correct. In my nervousness I rushed the beat and was off a little.
I went to the choir room and practiced and I remember Mrs. B also being surprised. I got the first solo, or
All creatures of our God and King (O sifuni mungu)
Lift up your voice and with us sing (o sifuni mungu)

I also performed Friday night, or the night that you know you’re good ’cause she saves the best for Friday.
I was so nervous, but I nailed it, and it has been my only solo.

Back to the weekend.
It was wonderful singing with the choir during a song that meant so much to me.

There’s also the tradition of having all the alumni come up and sing the song Friends, so I did that also.

Afterwards I talked with old friends and caught up a little and then headed home.

Saturday night was the retirement party. I went a little late and saw a handful of choir friends from my past.ร‚ย  It was so weird to see some the the sophomore guys in choir grown up and how they’ve become men. I feel as though I haven’t changed and here they were so different, and some barely recognizable.

The best part of Saturday night was having a young lady I babysat come up to me and recognize me. I hadn’t seen her since she was nine or ten and she was so grown up. When I saw her parents at the concert and found out she was in the choir I had fun guessing which young lady she was, and I did guess right.
I told her how surprised I was that she even remembered me and she told me ‘of course, you were my favorite.’ Then how recently her and her parents had ran into my mom atร‚ย  JoAnn’s and the first thing she asked was how I was.

It was fun to be remembered since I often feel forgotten by those in my past.

Later I was trying to think if I remembered any of my old babysitters or young woman in the ward when I was only nine or ten, but my babysitters were my older siblings so that was no help.

It was fun to reminisce and see old friends.

Tonight I cried while watching the Country Music Awards while some singer sang a song about the high school girl wanting to grow up and her mom telling her ‘ you’re gonna miss this, you’re gonna wish it hadn’t gone so fast.’ or something to that effect. I don’t listen to the radio much so I don’t know the singer’s name or the song title. It also talked about missingร‚ย  young motherhood.ร‚ย  I think I’m just a cryร‚ย  baby tonight,ร‚ย  because I also cried during masterpiece on PBS tonight.

Life was hard in high school since I was so quiet, but I do miss the friends I made there and the true worry free life that I had compared to now. Though I wouldn’t trade being a mom, just trade the letting the parents worry about the house bills and all that jazz. Though I worked my junior and senior year so I could have the money I wanted without burdening my parents as much, but I heard I maxed out the gas card a couple off times. (Sorry mom and thanks for not telling Dad about it.) I was also spoiled, according to my older siblings, because I didn’t technically pay for my car insurance, which was part of the deal if you drove. My allowance, or lunch money for doing chores, just stopped and they paid my insurance. I think they even saved a couple bucks, though I spent that in gas. I was the last kid in the house and I had to do lots of the chores that I shared with siblings, so I think it was only fair.

A little more chipper

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

I’m feeling a little more chipper today.
I’ve continued to organize my house, mostly our books. I played with Eden while Lilah sat on the toilet for like an hour and had a nice cup of iced chai green tea today after lunch. I’m feeling a little more myself.

Last night I gave Jon some alone time and took the girls to Britta’s dance recital. Britta wanted Lilah there when it was first announced and I knew that the Lee’s would also be in it so we went.

Lilah had fun. At times she was mimicking the dancers. I think she would like dance but I’m torn. I kinda like gymnastics but I also like dance, but with Eden approaching the age of being able to start classes we can’t afford $120 every 6 weeks to have them both in dance and gymnastics not to mention the cost of dance and tap shoes for Lilah and Eden once she turns five also.

In the fall Lilah can decide to do dance instead of gymnastics, Sam doesn’t teach during the summer, and we’ll see what Eden wants to do too.

I mentioned earlier that Lilah was on the toilet for like an hour this morning. I’m not exaggerating. I think she might have a UTI. She had to go to the bathroom 3 times during the one hour dance recital. Of course the second time nothing came out and the third time I made her go by herself so I’m not sure. Then during church on Sunday she went 4 times in the 3 hour block. I don’t know what’s going on with her.

I’m finally working with on Lilah writing her name properly. She can kinda right her name, but not properly.

She’s also read the first 4 Bob Books by herself. I’m making progress with her and even though I admit I’m not the most consistent, I think this homeschooling thing might work out OK for us.

It’s Spring- at least in Vegas.

Friday, April 25th, 2008

This week has turned out to be a busy one, not intentionally, so it’s hindered the potty training, but I’m still letting Eden give most of the direction as of now.

Monday I cleaned our back patio, to a degree since we still need to put one more brick in and add the sand to the sand box.

Tuesday Lilah’s friend Britta had her “Grand Opening” of her restaurant and invited all her class friends. It was so fun for the girls. Sam had made menus and Britta got the orders and served all the kids. Lilah now wants her own restaurant, but I tell her I have to clean my house first.

Wednesday we needed to go sign the papers on our life insurance. It turned out UNLV was doing some Earth Day events for elementary aged kids and it was open to the public so we headed over a little early to pick up Jon and changed our appointment to a later time. It was a windy day and there were only so many things to see so we just made our new appointment on time. Jon was a doll and parked my car in the boon docks, other wise known as the Thomas and Mack, and he got it for us, so we only had to wait for him to come back.

Thursday I cleaned my bathrooms because Lilah’s class was canceled due to do half the kids being sick and another mom being out of town, so it left two kids for Lilah’s class, including her and two kids for Eden’s class.

Today I was flipping through the channels, which I never do in the morning, it’s always just on PBS, and the weather came on. Today was to be in the 70’s with it being 79 by 5 pm and light breezes. I decided that I hadn’t spent much time with the girls and a morning at the park would be fun. ( I think I was confused with our bad attitudes last week being a sign I hadn’t spent much time with them.)

I called Sam and we had a long morning at the park, I mean long, like nearly 3 hours. It was the perfect day and the girls had a blast. It seems like the weather heats up so fast sometimes so I thought Jon would be happy that I took the opportunity to take them outside and enjoy it. (I have a tendency to get stuck in a rut and not take the girls outside even on beautiful days.)

Tomorrow who knows what we’ll do with this beautiful weather.

Butterfly release

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

So I would post this video with my caterpillar pictures, but I still need to edit some of them and this was just too fun today.

We had read a book on the life stages of caterpillars from a little girl’s perspective who had a caterpillar in her class. Towards the end of the book she had taken the butterfly out of the jar while it was on her finger and then it flew away. Lilah had mentioned doing this, but I wasn’t sure how the whole release thing would go so I warned her that they may just fly away without going on her hand first.

She was so happy to be able to hold the butterfly before it was released. It actually makes me a little teary eyed now to watch the video and hear her talk about the experience.

I love being a mom.

Curb Appeal

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Yesterday we added some curb appeal to our house. Well, I don’t know if it will make it any more appealing since my car parks right in front of it, but we hope to make it look a little nicer by our front door.

We had this lovely dirt spot.


Isn’t it beautiful.

The cats also loved to poop in it and not only in it but right by the front door, which was always such a nice welcome gift for our few guests that came by. (I admit we weren’t on top of cleaning the cat poop out either.)
So last night we planted some stuff in it to make it more appealing.


We hope they grow and cover the dirt. One is an ivy one is a jasmine (I think.) both are for ground coverings, two are dwarf orange trees and one is a bush that is only suppose to grow 1 foot high and two feet wide. (We wanted things that would cover the ground but not grow high so an intruder couldn’t hide behind them since we have a window right there. ) It was pretty rocky in the dirt, so we’ll have to see how they grow.

It started out as a family project, but after the first bush I was needing to watch the neighbor girls that were playing in our backyard, so Jon did most of the work.


OK, this photo didn’t need to be posted because I have the next one, but I looked skinnier in this one…


…and in this one I look like I’m working hard, though I’m sure I’m not using that shovel correctly, and I probably shouldn’t be wearing sandals.



Lilah putting the special dirt in.


Lilah mixing the dirt and water.


Our first bush is planted. Notice the neighbor girls. After this they we’re playing and Jon was left to plant alone.


Hard working husband.

He’s a great Daddy and husband.

Hippity Hoppity, Easter’s on it’s Way!

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Saturday our ward did an Easter egg hunt.

Lilah had been dying to go since we’ve heard about it and was so excited.

They had the kids 2 and under go first, but their eggs were just tossed on the floor in the middle of a room. They did turn off the lights so they had to use the flashlights. Eden enjoyed it, but I kept thinking she was three, and not still two.

Then they had the 3-7 or so age go out into the building. Lilah actually was just hitting up the eggs that were left from the little kids in the middle of the floor, but I convinced her to go into the hall way. They each had a maximum number of eggs and I had to keep taking eggs out of Eden’s basket as she found more than her share during Lilah’s egg hunt.

They had ostrich eggs, that had been drained, hidden around the building and Britta’s dad found her one. At the end those who found the ostrich eggs got to choose a prize.

Their was also a pinata, but that was for the older kids to hit that may not have found a lot of eggs.

Waiting for the fun to begin.


Britta, Lilah, and Eden. Lilah totally reminds me of her cousin Katy because that is totally a stance and smile Katy gives.




Showing off their baskets.

It was a crazy, but fun, night. I have too much Easter candy already, and we have one more egg hunt to go. I think I’ll reuse the candy.

The eggs we hide will probably contain some raisins and coins, like last years. The girls love raisins and coins.

When does the candy stop? I don’t have to ever buy candy because it seems like we always have some form the previous holiday.

Second part to our Easter fun.

Yesterday, or Tuesday, we had Sam and Britta over for lunch and making cookies. The girls had a blast and Eden was obsessed with the flour.

Cutting out cookies.

Eden loved playing in the flour container.

Britta was being bashful.

She called the egg cut out a rotten egg.

Frosting the cookies.

Britta liked a lot of frosting on her cookies.

Reaping their reward.



Fun times

Friday, March 7th, 2008

Yesterday was Lilah’s preschool class, but I it was one of my off days from teaching and assisting and since Eden still has a runny nose I thought we should stay away from other kids. So instead we went to Henderson to pick up a couple things from Costco, return stuff to Jo Ann’s and we enjoyed lunch at Sweet Tomatoes.

My girls are fantastic veggie eaters, so a salad buffet is perfect for them. They also sat us right by the food area for the bread, soups, and pasta’s so I didn’t have to go to far from them and I could keep our table in my sight whenever I got up.

Eden never eats well when we’re out, but she tried a little of everything I gave her. Lilah loved the grapes and macaroni and cheese. It’s now her favorite macaroni and cheese. They also loved the ice cream at the end. Lilah stuffed herself so full she said her stomach hurt.

Before we left Eden was smiling at an elderly woman at the table behind us. The woman started conversation telling me how cute Eden was and how she was giving her big smiles, she also said Eden looked just like one of her granddaughters. She then asked if I wanted to see a picture and of course I said yes. She then took a picture out of her wallet and showed Eden and I a family picture of three generations. Her granddaughter, who I would guess was about 6, had short brown hair like Eden and the woman said she had blue eyes, just like Eden’s, and a big smile, just like Eden’s. Lilah of course also wanted to see so she came over and we introduced her to the woman also, who then complemented her on a pretty name.

It made my day to see the girls being friendly. I love having kids because they often help cheer up someones day and mine at the same time.

The rest of yesterday went the same as any.

Today my friend Anna had the day off, so after a morning engagement she came by and we went to the park. My girls were exploding with excitement waiting for her and the thought of going to the park. We thought she’d make it for lunch, but she didn’t, so after we ate they were just waiting for her and running around.

Eden earlier in the morning told me how nice Anna was. I asked if I was nice and she said no, Mommy’s mean.
I guess if I just came by every once in a while and chased them around she would think I was nice too, but atlas my duties as a stay at home mother keep me here each day during happy and sad times. (Sad times being time out and fights.)

The girls had a blast at the park, though the swings were not Lilah’s friend. She fell off while trying to fix her hat, in which she easily fell 4 feet. The second incident she wasn’t far enough away from the swings as she tried to walk past a mom and her daughter and she got hit with that swing. It was tough, but she got over it quickly and just wanted to swing in the baby swing.

After the park we had to come home and get Eden down for nap. She kept saying she didn’t want Anna to go. ๐Ÿ™ Then when she woke up that afternoon, after Anna had left of course, she told me she wanted Anna to chase her. ๐Ÿ™

Eden really loves Anna.

Lilah also loves Anna, but while at the park she said Auntie Carolyn was sillier than Anna. ๐Ÿ™‚

It was a fun day. Anna was able to hang out and Lilah showed that she really does know nearly all the sounds the letters make, except of course the ones her mother screws up on because I didn’t learn by phonics.

It’s fun to have visitors.

The Norm

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

I’ve been trying to think of what we’ve been up to. Not much outta the norm really.
We had Lilah’s preschool class on Thursday and both girls have runny noses today, though Eden’s been dealing with it since Tuesday off and on.

Wednesday we had a North and South marathon with the Jewitt’s. Beth’s not one to sit still, let alone sit still for 4 hours, but she did a good job and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. She wanted to watch it again later that night.

Today I went to Target by myself. I desperately want to get Lilah into a booster seat. I don’t have any good reasons but I do have a few mediocre ones.

First, the car seat we have is a pain to adjust straps, you have to unlatch it from the car and do it from the back, a total pain when they stop wearing coats and begin swimming in the extra space at Springtime.
Second, we got it from my parents so it’s had some good wear and tear on it and the straps are always weird.
Third, I’d like to have a seat for Jon’s car so I can always drive mine. (The one with both girls gets the Toyota in case of an emergency since the Subaru has only one car seat.)
Lastly, it’s easier to take a booster seat out to let friends or family take Lilah than to unlatch a car seat.

I didn’t buy one because Lilah’s in an awkward stage of growth and even though she’s large enough for a booster with a back I think laws want her to be 40 pounds and that she is not.

So instead of spending lots of money on a booster I spent money on clothes for the girls and sunglasses.

I love and hate buying clothes. I just love to buy them but I hate how much it costs to buy a new wardrobe each season.

Katy and Lilah are close enough in sizes that I can’t borrow clothes as easily so I’m stuck buying Lilah a new wardrobe as she gets bigger and then Adrienne and Eden are also close enough in size that I can’t borrow for her and I buy to supplement what Lilah had.

Lilah really wore out a lot of her 3T’s so I bought Eden one new outfit so she has something that’s new for her and not too worn. I bought Lilah pajama’s and one outfit then I bought the sunglasses for an Easter gift. We’re planning on being outdoors more this summer so I figure sunglasses would be fun. By we I mean Jon wants to buy a family pass to the Spring preserve and take the girls there often, and he wants to do some camping and hiking this summer at the Grand Canyon.

I of course hate the sun, getting sweaty, and anything that includes dirt. ๐Ÿ™‚

I am enjoying the warm weather. I ventured to try on a pair of shorts and since I’ve gained a few pounds they are a little tight. (Thankfully they’re made from a stretchy material.) I’m thinking of losing weight but we still have half of a Costco sized box of Oreo’s and today I just bought 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. ( I admit I heard someone on another blog talk about Girl Scout cookies and I went to the store today specifically to buy some, plus cereal since we’re almost out, but that was just a good excuse to go so I could buy Girl Scout cookies. I bought Peanut Butter Patties, Caramel deLights, and Lemonades which are delicious if you like lemon flavored sweets. I think they’re my favorite cookie excluding ones that have chocolate, peanut butter, or caramel in them. )

So I’m thinking I need to exercise a little (I say a little because I don’t exercise at all.), eat less and drink more water. I bought a scale today and I’m not as heavy as I feel, but I do want to fit into my summer clothes and look nice as the weather warms.

First I think I’ll grab a Peanut Butter Pattie.


Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Jon’s been officially admitted for the Fall 2008 school year for the Electrical Engineering master’s program at UNLV!

Wahoo, what a wonderful anniversary present!

It was through e-mail that we got the news, so we’ll be getting the letter shortly in the mail. Plus he only has about a year or so till he’s done!

This is such a relief and a good thing for our family.

I’m so proud of you babe!

Liquid band aid would be useful right about now

Friday, January 25th, 2008

So as I started washing my dishes to put them in the dishwasher, yes I wash them before I wash them, I held and wash our lovely Cutco bread knife or slicer according to the website.
For whatever reason I didn’t have a tight grip on it and it slipped from my hands. As someone who knows how sharp a “bread” knife can be because we had a teenage friend who sliced her thumb with my parents bread knife and needed one or two stitches, I got my hands as far out of the way as I could and jumped back so I would not sever a toe, since I wear flip-flops around my house.
Luckily I didn’t sever anything but my left wrist was cut.


It doesn’t look too bad in the picture, maybe a paper cut, but I could see that my top layer of skin had been sliced through and had it happened just a few inches lower it could have been really detrimental. I just can’t use the full rotation of my wrist, I can’t bend it backwards basically otherwise it hurts and bleeds a little bit.
Moral of this story: hold very tightly to your Cutco knifes.

Jon’s also cut his finger when the petite carving knife was near by while he was cutting with a different knife and came down on the tip.
I pricked my finger with it yesterday while cutting up raw chicken for stir-fry.

I love the easy slicing of Cutco while I cut food, but I don’t love the easy slicing of myself.

I noticed after I took the picture that I had also cut myself right at the base of my right ring finger. Like in that crack where the fingers intercept the palm.
I wish I had liquid band aid for these odd spots, especially since I need to do dishes. This morning the girls used baby spoons and I used one of their spoons.

In light of taking it easy so my wounds might close up well enough that I can do dishes this afternoon I thought I’d post random pictures we’ve taken.

A while back while looking for his shoe polish Jon went through an old box of stuff that was his. We found his eye glasses that he wore directly after his mission, 11 years ago, and a pioneer hat that we got at some pioneer day event when Lilah was a youngun.
Of course Jon put both the glasses and the hat on her.
Isn’t she adorable.

Then I had the pleasure of watching Naia on the 14th. While here Lilah made a lovely toy trail for her to follow, since she now crawls.


She never did get to the toy pig.

Lastly, while I was reading or cuddling with Lilah our feet got warm and we poked them out of our blanket. Jon thought it was cute and took this picture.


So there are my random pictures.
Have a happy day.