Archive for the 'Highlights' Category

May Highlights

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011


I was trying to take a nap on the couch and asked you both to stay outside for 10 minutes, since you’d been in and out while I was trying to rest. I lay down, hear the ice cream man, and then hear it stop outside our house. I decided to look out the door, since I wasn’t getting any rest, and you both were waiting patiently, with the ice cream in the basket of the scooter, since it was Daddy’s birthday and you knew you wouldn’t be allowed to eat it that day.( I have to admit, I half expected you two to be eating them and trying to keep it a secret from me, but was happy to see you waiting.) Lilah even told Eden that they had to wait ten minutes before they could go in and put it away.

You wore some shorts backwards all day, then put your nightgown on backwards, but you seemed to not know why you kept putting everything on backwards. I asked you to turn it around and you said. “I am not.” so basically you didn’t want to listen to me.

You came over and asked to see my neck, and put a string around it. Then you asked for beads. Then as you sat in the living room stringing the beads you said, “I was just asking to see your neck.” You gave me a pretty necklace for mother’s day.

Swinging with your eyes closed at the park, for like the whole time.

Giving me lots of cards on Mother’s Day. I also loved how you were trying to keep everything secret. “I just want to see how this necklace looks.” “Oh, I wasn’t making you anything.”

Wearing your nightgown fashioned with your new tennis shoes that we bought for hiking.

Every night you and Daddy have a contest about who gets to your bed first. It’s so dang cute to see you and him chase each other down the hall. I like getting to your bed before you too.

As you sat eating your cookie,”But this is no treats week!” Funny you didn’t remember when we were sharing a Frosty the day before.

Making a new sandwich. Bread with butter and then pecans on top. I suppose it’s not a sandwich, but you came up with it, and love it.

You’re a very touchy person. You love to be close and touch people. You’re favorite thing to do is play with my ponytail, even though I tell you no every.single.time.

Offering to tickle my back all day long for my birthday, too bad I wasn’t able to remind you of your promise and we were gone all day.

Cuddling with your Daddy during church in Ely. It felt like you were making up for the 4 hours you had to spend in the backseat not cuddling or touching anyone.


Helping to clean up on Daddy’s birthday. Even after you cleaned up your mess, you asked if there was anything else, so I told you the groceries, and you put those away for me too.

Asking me to help you with the monkey bars at the park, then telling me you were working hard before and getting strong so you could do the monkey bars.

Reading my your “I had to go pee soooo bad” story over the phone. Drinking root beer really makes you have to go pee.

You worked really hard to make Mother’s Day special. Including making me a vase and cutting some of our marigolds to put in it. I’m amazed that you worked on some of your gifts weeks in advance and remembered to give me all of them.

You were taking a little too long to get to bed because you were wrapping a McDonald’s toy for Eden and then later I found you in my room writing “Get Well Soon.” in a card for Eden since she had a fever and wasn’t feeling well. I was going to chastise you, but how could I?

Being sad with Rawlin’s sudden move to Utah.

Trying to teach you that lying is not acceptable and shouldn’t be your first line of defense. “I don’t know,” or “I didn’t do it,” comes out of your mouth way too much. There will always be consequences, but lying just makes it worse. Then, ironically, you found stories about lying and stealing that you had “written” when you were around 5 in a notebook that we had done for a little bit.

Cleaning the house for my birthday. You offered to sneak out in the middle of the night and vacuum, but I just had you do it then.

Making and wrapping me presents for my birthday.

Playing in the snow. “I was having so much fun I didn’t notice how cold my hands and feet were!”

Making me breakfast for Mother’s Day and then washing clothes all day long. Then at dinnertime you realized that the dishes would have been a better focus, since you used the last fork to eat your cereal that night.

I was talking about all the books we have, since Rawlin wanted to give you some of his.
Eden, “Yeah, we have like so many books everywhere.”
Jon, “I know, isn’t it great!”

Me: “Honey I think I’m addicted to chapstick.”
Jon: “Think, haven’t we had this conversation like our whole marriage, you are addicted.”

April Highlights

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

There’s a blog I read where she does a month ends post about fun things her girls and husband did during the month. I thought it would be a fun idea so I’ve tried to take notes of cute things from this past month.

Being so excited for April Fool’s Day. You switched our cereal around so the Raisin Bran was in the Life cereal box and the Life was in the Raisin Bran box. It was an oatmeal day, but we had mixed up cereal instead.

Losing your tooth while daddy was away. I finally pulled it out for you, but boy was it an ordeal, now I know why I let you pull the first 6.

You were reading “Where the Red Fern Grows” and told me how the little boy fell on an ax and ended up dying. You acted it out with your eyes and body going limp.

Mommy ruined it. (Talking to Eden after I told you no to playing with our lanterns all day.)

Letting me lie next to you on the couch while you read a magazine. I was trying to give you some cuddle time, but I think it became more of a nap time for me.

You were so excited to check the mail and have the only piece of mail in the box. It was a collections letter of some overdue books. (The smile was worth the overdue book fee I had to pay.)

The way you walk with curly hair. You make sure it bounces.

Cleaning your room naked because you got ready for your bath too soon. (Sigh.)

While making a “Welcome Home” card for Daddy you looked out our window and then promptly hid the card under the table because you saw Daddy’s car. I had to remind you he left his car here and we would be picking him up from the airport that night.

You were playing with a calculator and asked Lilah, “Lilah do you know what 5+29 is?” Lilah thought then answered 34. You then asked, “How’d you know that?”

While at Lilah’s dance class I wanted some cuddles, but you weren’t having it. I teased you I wouldn’t give you cuddles later that evening when you’d want some, since we always seem to want to cuddle at opposite times. You settled down for just a few minutes and let me hold you, then later that night you reminded me that I needed to cuddle with you. (Really, when I want to cuddle you don’t and when you do, it seems to be when I can’t.)

Humming me Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to help me fall asleep, but you ended up falling asleep first. You laughed about it afterwards and when I told you that you had slept for an hour and a half, you were like, “I must have been really tired.”

Easter morning you came in to talk to me, as you sat there, you looked out the back door and said, “I wonder where the Easter Bunny hid all the eggs?”

I was cleaning my closet and making room for my shoes. I mentioned to you that I had lost a brown flip-flop and you got a mischievous smile on your face. I figured out you had taken it and hidden it. I asked you to only hid the shoes I’m wearing. (Example: You like to hide my flip-flops when I take them off to have my feet on the couch.)

While you sat doing taxes, “I’m doing taxes and you get to do your bloggy, bloggy stuff.” You’re weren’t very happy that I wasn’t looking over your shoulder and double checking what you were entering.

Thanking me for helping life run more smoothly at home while you’re stressed with work and school stuff. Even if I feel like I’m doing a terrible job, I’m happy that you’re not stressed with it right now.

I was singing, but you had a headache, As you left I teased, “You don’t like my singing?” and as you walked down the hall you said, “You could be the greatest singer and it would still be too loud.” then you popped your head back in the room and said, “And you are a great singer.” With your cute smile.

Going to see “Singing in the Rain” with me, and doing a 10 pm Del Taco stop. You teased that I wasn’t pregnant, so why’d I need Del Taco?

Helping me find a solution so I can sing at my recital, which is now the same night as the family night for co-op.(Sigh) You won’t be there, which still makes me sad, but Sam will tape it for us, then I’ll jet over to the family night in time to see the girl’s stuff.