Archive for August 9th, 2006

School smooll

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

So my last semester starts in 19 days…yikes. I still need to finish filling out my FAFSA. (I started it but I needed some info, and now that I know the info I haven’t finished it.) I don’t expect as much money since last year was our first year of having income without any unemployment. I suppose it’s good because it’s my last semester, and we are doing better now. I’ll get my scholarship and then tuition reimbursement. Those should cover most of the cost. The FAFSA just gives us extra money to help towards bills, say a mortgage. I should have Jon buy my books before it gets too close to the semester and all the good used ones are gone. I think I’ve decided to drop my Music class- British invasion, music of the Beatles. Only nine people are registered including me, so I’m wondering if they’ll just cancel it. It’s also on campus. I’m thinking of keeping my CRJ 302- Quantitative App class. I really don’t know why. It’s a hard course, the teacher is difficult, but if I drop it I’ll need to get written permission to take my CRJ seminar class on Sexual offenders. (The seminar’s prerequisites are CRJ 301 and CRJ 302- I don’t need 302 to graduate, so I didn’t take it.) I need one upper division CRJ course to fulfill my minor requirements. So I have to take one or the other. So I could take the hard class, or I could take both, or I could try to get written permission for the seminar and drop the hard class. I don’t feel confident in my reasons for a waiver, so I’ve mostly decided to take both and try hard. Part of me wants the challenge. If I’m up for the challenge I can usually excel and do well, if I’m not then I stink…hence last semesters History of the French class. So there’s my dilemma. I also want to drop the music class because I don’t want to travel to campus twice a week at night time. Also if I can take one hard course and in return take one interesting class, then taking the hard course makes it worth it. So that’s it. I’ll be done with my education, at least for the time being, in 127 days…….. It feels good to say that.