Archive for August, 2006

Being helped

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

I awoke Monday to hear the doorbell. I thought is it 7:30 already? (There are days that I am so tired that I don’t hear Jon get ready for work and it’s not until he rubs my leg to wake me up for our morning prayer that I realize it’s time for him to leave.) My mom was due to come so Jon could go to work and I would have her to help me. I didn’t have our little alarm clock because Jon is out on the couch so he doesn’t accidentally hit my shoulder while we sleep. Well it didn’t feel like 7:30 because it was only 6:49 and it was my dear friend Barbara. She came by because she was thinking of me, and didn’t know if my mom was going to make it, since all she said to being here at 7:30 was, “I’ll try my best.” She stayed for part of the morning, and my mom showed up at 9 or so, but she knew that Barbara was already here to help me, so she didn’t have to rush over.
Barbara also came Tuesday and she’ll be coming back tomorrow. Jon has a day trip to Reno, so I have to have someone with me. She’ll be here until 3 or so, and we’ll put Eden down for her nap a little late so she sleeps until 4, when my friend Danielle comes. Danielle came by Tuesday and took over after Barbara left. It’s nice to have friends who care enough to take care of the slightly crippled woman. It’s also fun just to sit and talk. I’ve known Barbara for ten years. She was/is my sister Andrea’s friend, and I use to hang out with them, even though I was only 13-14 years old. We kept in touch when her and Scott first got married, and then time went by and life got busy. Now we’re seeing them more. As she stayed and visited with me she mentioned how I have an old soul, so no wonder I fit in with their group, even though I was 6-8 years younger than everyone.

Part of me feels lazy. My shoulder has gotten sore on days that I do too much, like Monday, but it’s such a small incision and what not that I feel like I’m taking advantage of people. My mom did dishes while she was here and we watched a video. I just talked with Barbara and Danielle. I don’t want to have them do too much, just help me with the kids.

Today I was suppose to go to my parents house. My mom was going to pick me up and take me there, but Lilah got sick last night and didn’t sleep and then Eden had a fever because she got shots yesterday while we were at the doctors. I figured Jon could just take today as his sick day, and Friday would be the day that I go over to my mom’s. (He was going to take Friday off.) It’s just a little crazy,and hard for Jon. Both girls want cuddles and attention. As the day goes on it’s gotten better.
sigh… continues and I just sit and watch. Lilah does climb up to cuddle with me. That’s the one thing I get to do. ๐Ÿ™‚

I should probably have help for part of next week, but I haven’t planned that far ahead. I guess I’m also hoping that I can just do it alone. If I don’t hold Eden for too long and if I pick her up with my left arm, it should be alright….right?

doctor’s appoinment

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

We went to the doctor yesterday. Eden is 29 1/4 inches and weighed 18 lbs 11 oz….oh so close to facing forward, but she’ll learn to walk soon and not gain weight, so she’ll probably be 18 months when she can finally face forward…just like Lilah.
Lilah was 28 lbs and 35 inches tall. She’s just an inch shy of being three feet. I have a three year old who is nearly three feet. Oh how they grow.