Archive for March 13th, 2008


Thursday, March 13th, 2008

Jon made this video of Eden and me with the two pictures.

He’s pretty strange like that, and he worked so hard, though he said it was snap, and it only took him about 2 hours of interrupted time for dinner and taking care of girls while I ran an errand.

Memory Lane

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

While looking for the pictures I just posted I ran across these other home photo’s.

Halloween 1985- Andrea’s a robot Scott, I’m not sure what he is, Glenn is some masked cowboy, I am a scarecrow, Carolyn is a pumpkin with cool orange hair, and Kristi is a butterfly or a fairy.
We used old coffee cans that were painted with a rope for a handle. I remember my handle breaking one year and being so sad.


I’m grumpy in the above photo- I believe there was one of me just like this on a Christmas ornament that has since lost the picture, I should replace that lost photo with this one

All of the following were taken in 1986.

Our backyard on Nellis AFB.
We would walk around on the fence and loved our back yard. There was a mulberry tree that we would pick mulberries from and a pine tree that had ant hills next to it. We’d sit in the wheelbarrow watching them and my brothers would catch them in jars.


This is Kristi’s 7th birthday. My mom made the cake and we still have the Wonderwoman cake pan and face thing, I’m pretty sure anyways. I’m in the green clover/flower dress.

ร‚ย andreasbday1986.jpg
Andrea’s 9th birthday.


Me sitting at the table being cute.



The bed my father made for me.

It was from a crib mattress and there was a dresser that went with it that lasted until the Edison house, or maybe 5-8 years, since I eventually outgrew the blue dresser with ducks and hearts on it.

Thus concludes the photo’s from my childhood. I mainly have class photos and then ones I take as I get older.

Who Eden looks like.

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

As I keep looking at this picture of the girls I keep thinking about this other picture of me as a child with my older brother Scott.



I was just over 2 when it was taken, or October 1985, but you can definitely see the family resemblance.

Here’s a closer look.


And just for fun here’s another picture of me as a kid taking a bath. I was just too cute.


What I’m worth.

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

I had a couple experiences with our new life insurance agent, who is really a financial planner, about the whole worth of a stay at home mother thing.

While talking on the phone to set up the appointment he asked if I was a stay at home mom, since he was calling me back in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day, and I said yes and he replied how it’s a great thing and how he was single parent for 11 years. Then he eventually said how I should probably ask for a raise because of all I do. I replied along the lines that I was fine and I felt that no raise was needed.

Then in the meeting with him he mentioned the sacrifice we’re making to have me at home, he did have a sheet of paper which told him how much Jon made, and how the worth of a stay at home mother in studies is around 100k. I replied that I think those studies justร‚ย  try to make us feel better as stay at home mothers.

It was just funny to me. I am staying and taking care of my daughters, but Jon often tries to help once home. He needs down time too, and more on some days than others, but he’s always willing to help out with the girls or chores if I’ve fallen behind. I don’t often feel under appreciated by him, though there are times, for both of us when we feel under appreciated, but I don’t feel like I need a raise, just because I stay home. In reality we both have our set allowance that we try to follow so if I get a raise, he does also.

I also feel like Jon does a lot to help around the house and I’m not doing everything all the time, though I do have those days.

I mean a father who worksร‚ย  outside the home is ‘off duty’ for 9 hours of the day, but once at home he has to deal with kids and messes and whatever the mom does too, if he is an active husband and father. I have it 24 hours, he has it 15 hours.

So does a father who helps at home get a study done on him on how much he contributes? No.
Does a mom do everything for the house and kids, I hope not.

A few months ago I would have agreed that I need a raise or a stay at home mother is worth 100k, blah blah blah, but right now I feel that those statements are the world trying to make up for the time they gave little thought and appreciation to stay at home moms, or the world trying to give confirmation that what a mom does is important, because so often it is overlooked.

I don’t need the world to give me that confirmation because I get it from my husband and children, and that is enough for me… At least for the moment, ask me in a few months when I’m teaching Lilah more and I decide how much a teacher is worth. ๐Ÿ˜‰