Archive for January 13th, 2009

First Day of Primary

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

The girls were sick the very first Sunday of this year, so the second Sunday, or the eleventh, was their first Sunday of Primary, more specifically Eden’s very first Sunday of Primary and Lilah’s first Sunday with a new teacher, but it was a substitute and she’ll have her regular teacher next week.

They wore the dresses I picked out with Carolyn at Old Navy on Black Friday, and I later picked up the tights at Target.

I think they’re adorable and I can’t believe that Eden is now in Primary.

I asked Jon to get pictures, and these are the three he took. Lilah as been such a ham in pictures lately so these are true to her current silliness.

Not sure what Lilah is doing here.

I guess we are going to church and Lilah is assuming the correct position, just not the most reverent of faces.

Again, not sure what exactly is going through her mind.

Eden seemed to have a fun first day and when Jon and I separately checked in on her she seemed to be doing just fine.

Lilah’s teacher was a substitute, but we knew the sister, so her first Sunday in a new class went smoothly also. She talked, knew how to read trust when it was written on the board, and was very well behaved.

I don’t want them to grow up, but they sure are cute.


Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Today was the first class of gymnastics, or tiny tot tumblers, or whatever the class is called, for the girls. With Sam not teaching dance class, and Eden obviously not completely enjoying all the elements of dance class, we thought we’d try something else.

This gymnastics class is not at the same school Lilah previously took gymnastics at. I’m not sure if Lilah’s old teacher Miss Brooks is still there and she was the one teacher I really had any confidence in at that community center.ร‚ย  I also like that the class is during the day. Jon can’t be there but at least we won’t be waking Eden up from her naps to get to class, or having to rush through dinner before class.

Eden seemed to really enjoy herself and took direction from the teacher well. I was not really in sight, since the bleachers are on the other side, so I was a little out of sight out of mind, and I think that really helped, along with having a big sister to show the way. The class is for 3 years to 5 years 11 months, so Lilah just barely qualifies.ร‚ย  Lilah of course loved the class and did not want to leave, neither did Eden.

I think Eden had fun tumbling and doing different things. She seemed to wait her turn most of the time and had no problems with the teacher.

The class is a little unorganized in that the teacher was trying to show them how to do back tumbles when only half the kids could do forward tumblers and she wasn’t demanding, or needing, a very organized line, they also have less mat area.ร‚ย  The other gymnastics class also taught about start and finishing poses, but I think I’ll just be happy as long as they have fun and the teacher seems to have patience, the other teachers didn’t always have the most patience so that’s what really bothered me.

I didn’t have my camera due to rushing out the house, but I’ll try to take some pictures next week.

Jail time

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Today I made an impromptu lunch outing to McDonald’s on our way home from gymnastics. I didn’t want Lilah going in the play area in her socks or bare feet so I told her to keep her shoes on.

She had a very, very hard time with this.

She was about to go in and then she cameร‚ย  back to me.

“It says ‘No Shoes’. I can’t go in.”

“It’s not a big deal. Mommy says you can go in there with shoes.”

Then she whispers in my ear, “I don’t want you to go to jail.”

I chuckle a little and I reply, “I won’t go to jail. Only people who do really bad things go to jail.”

Luckily the play place police weren’t around, otherwise I may have gone to hamburger jail for having my girls break the no shoes allowed rule.

On a side note, the substitute who taught Lilah’s class just came by to drop something off and she just gave some wonderful compliments on how well behaved Lilah was, but also how impressed she was that Lilah read the word “trust” when she wrote it on the board and that Lilah was so smart and was answering a lot of questions. I love my good girl.ร‚ย  She surprises us with words she knows. Last night we got some Greek and Latin root flash cards and she read ‘friendship’ in the back of one.