Archive for March 11th, 2009


Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

I was first introduced to hummus when I was pregnant with Lilah. My supervisors took me and the other student worker out to lunch and they had me try hummus since I had never had it.

I then forgot all about hummus until Jonร‚ย  and I went to a Mediterranean restaurant near UNLV for our 5th year anniversary and I once again tried hummus and I loved it and I remembered I loved it and have since bought hummus and had hummus on other occasions.

While at Sam’s yesterday she had hummus, homemade hummus from a recipe we both aquired at a Home and the Range activity, but I don’t know where I put mine, though I’m almost positive it’s in the pile of reciepes I need to organize for my reciepe book.

Anyways, Sam had bought tahini to make her hummus, the odd ingredient that I don’t have, and brought some to me today since I forgot to take some home yesterday and I made my first batch of homemade hummus this afternoon. I am so happy because it’s so much cheaper than buying it and all but Lilah really love hummus in our family though, since this isn’t spicy like the kind I just bought she’s more inclined to eat it. I just think it’s funny that Eden loves hummus and will eat a nice portion with her pita bread while Lilah mostly eats the pita bread. Very opposite than what I’m use to.

This is the recipe for hummus that I’ve made. I’m full from lunch, so I can’t wait till it’s slightly chilled and ready to be our afternoon snack. Now I just need to make my own pita bread to lessen the cost even more and make it even more my own.


1 can Garbanzo beans
1/4 cup liquid from can
3-5 Tbsp. Lemon juice.
1 1/2 Tbsp. Tahini
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. olive oil

Combine all ingrediants into a blender and puree till smooth or desireed texture. Add a little more oil before serving.

Just a note: I’d stay closer to 3 tablespoons lemon juice. I added more to help puree it a little bit smoother and now it has a lemony taste, not bad, but I’d rather taste the garlic and olive oil more. I think I’d save more of the canned juice next time for making it a smoother texture or add oil.

5 things

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

1. Watching my daughters learn and being an active part of it.
2. Afternoon naps with three girls snug as bugs in one bed.
3. Beautiful Spring Days enjoyed at the park with friends.
4. A wonderful husband who works hard and goes to school to support our family.
5. The trash men who take away our trash each week for us. I’m happy I don’t have to burn trash or take it to the dump myself.