Archive for the 'Friends' Category

Mama Mia

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

So I find it odd that not to long ago I had an Abba song in my head and then I’m invited to see the Broadway show that features their songs, Mama Mia. (It was on Broadway, but brought to Vegas with some actors that came from Broadway.)
It was a fun show. Very different than the Phantom, which I think set a very high bar.
Most of the songs I recognized because Jon brought many Cd’s with him into our marriage and one of them was Abba’s greatest hits.

I had fun hanging out with Carolyn, who got the tickets via Derek who works at Mandalay Bay where the show is playing.

I think they incorporated the songs very well and that it was a pretty good show overall.
I think the hardest part was knowing who was talking, since we were far back, in which I’m not complaining because it was a free show, but you get the hang of who’s voice goes with who even though you don’t see them talking very easily.

I got home late, it was Tuesday night that we went, and Jon has decided he needs to get some him time in, somewhere in between my time, his time with the girls and our dates.
I dunno, isn’t work him time? At least it’s with adults.


Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

For New Year’s Eve  we went to my friend Anna’s house and played a game with her, her husband and another couple they socialize with.
It was fun. The girls had fun playing with her doll house which had lots of accessories to it.
We left a little bit after 10pm, came home and put the girls into bed.
We started our movie at 11. (Catch Me If You Can, which I just love and got for Christmas from Carolyn.)We paused briefly to watch a local channel ring in the New year.
We argued over who should get out of our warm blanket and get the glasses and sparkling cider.
We kissed at midnight and the girls blissfully slept the night and new year away, at least until Eden had a bad dream early in the morning.

This is probably the first year in about three that we were actually awake at midnight instead of falling asleep and waking up after the fact.

We all slept in late.
We ate breakfast at 10:30, even though the girls had been up since about 8:45 but Jon and I were just too tired.

I was getting annoyed by the large tree so I also undecorated the tree today and Jon took it down this evening.
Our house feels so big now and we can all fit at the table again instead of banishing Eden and her high chair to the outer circle of the dining room.

We have tons of trash because we forgot to take it out the Wednesday after Christmas and that same Saturday. (This is what happens when Jon doesn’t leave the house regularly.)
So we still have Christmas trash and what piles up over 2 weeks.
Happy New Year to our trash guys!

I’m happy to have the new year.
Things I want to improve upon:
Taking vitamins daily.
This is a strange goal, but I was on vitamin strike for a period of time because I had to take prenatal for so long or about 4 years straight. (pregnant then nursing, pregnant then nursing. I was just not wanting to take vitamins anymore. ) Jon takes vitamins like fish oil and lechitin and I need to take calcium because I think my teeth are weakening not to mention my bones. So fun.

Another goal I have is to exercise my mind and I want to work through one of my college math books to do that.
We’ll see how it goes but I partially just want to do things like memorize the times table and gain my grasp of simple math once more and I want to do more complex math so I know I still have some intelligence.
I feel like my mind has gone down hill since I haven’t had to exercise it in the academic way and I use to be pretty good at doing things in my mind when now I feel like I pull out the calculator for any little thing, though sometimes it’s just to make sure I did the math correctly in my mind.

Those are my only two improvements that I want to write down.
We’ll see how they go.

Happy Halloween- 2007

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

 I gave the girls an early bath and put Lilah’s hair in curlers to start off our Halloween.
Then in the morning we carved our pumpkin.


  (I bought it for it’s cute stem and beautiful orange color, never mind it was lopsided and had a scar on it. )



Lilah enjoyed taking out the “guts” of the pumpkin.



Lilah sketched a face for  me to carve.



 Eden just scribbled so I carved an E for her.



I did my own pumpkin face also. ( I love Eden’s “smile” I think that’s what it’s suppose to be.)

Jon came home early, a very nice surprise,  so I left early to go to my parents house. I met my sister Kristi there with her kids and my sister Carolyn. (Jon was left with candy duty. I love to take the girls out trick out treating.)

We started trick or treating shortly after dark and the girls looked beautiful.


Glinda and Dorothy.









We just went up and down my parents short block, then we stopped by “Grandma’s store”, aka JoAnn’s, to see my mom as she had to work last night.

We got to our neighborhood and went up and  down our little block. There was actually 8 houses including ours this year giving out candy opposed to the 5 or 6 from the previous 2 years.

Then we visited one of Eden’s nursery leaders, because they love her so much and I love to show the girls off. Then the Jewitt’s since they’re in the same neighborhood and the girls were more excited to go see the Jewitts than the nursery leader. (They love the Jewitt’s cats, toys and daughters who watch/play with them.)

Funny story: When we pulled up to the Jewitt’s, Sis. Jewitt, or Beth, was walking her oldest daughter and her boyfriend to the daughter’s car. As we walked up I said they couldn’t leave without seeing their cutest trick or treaters. So they said how cute the girls were and then Beth said to the other two that they needed to go into the house so the girls could knock and say trick or treat. So she ran the other two into the house with her.

After a short visit at the Jewitt’s we stopped by the store for milk and cereal. I heard a  a lot of how cutes. (Have I said how much I love to show my kids off, though we went to the store because we were completely out of milk and it’s on the way home from the Jewitt’s.)
We came home and had a little fun with the glow sticks Britta gave the girls.



 Then the girls had fun in their candy.


Mmmm, candy.



 MMMM, candy!




They got to bed about 10 pm. Only an hour past their bedtime, though it’s been more like 9:30 lately anyways.

We had a great Halloween and Lilah has decided to be Dorothy, a mean witch, and Tinkerbell for Halloween next year.
Our pumkins with the candle. (I forgot to take any pictures before the girls went to bed so you get just the pumpkin.)





 Lilah’s pumpkin face.

The holes from my carving’s eyes give an interesting affect, in which Lilah actually had a circle within her larger circles, so this is more true to her drawing.

Now I know why you only carve one side of the pumpkin.




My carving illuminated.

Fire Station

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

Today we went on a field trip to a local fire station.
The girls had tons of fun and Lilah had her ears plugged most of the time, in which Eden also decided she should plug her ears. It’s becoming my children’s signature.

Plug your ears, everything is loud.
So here goes.


Most of the group.




Jon said at least she puts her fingers in her ears and not her nose and Eden just does what Lilah does.




Our tour guide fire fighter put on his gear for us.



He crawled towards the kids, telling them this is what they would see if they were ever trapped and a fire man needed to get them out.
Most were not hot on the idea of seeing him crawl towards them in his gear.



They turned the trucks lights on.




They showed the kids some of the tools they use .




Sitting in the fire engine.






We went through the whole station.


The tv room was a hit. The kids were fascinated with all the recliners.



The other fire truck came back so went to look at the hoses.

The fireman asked if I wanted to try on the gear, but I’m not too hot on putting on sweaty things. I also didn’t have socks and would have had to put my bare feet in the boots.
One mom had long pants and socks so she was volunteered by her SIL.





Our group.



Are we done taking pictures yet?


The kids had tons of fun and when we came home Lilah played a fire fighter game on the computer.

It was lots of fun and the fire fighters were very nice and spent lots of time with us.

Fun fact: Eden says fighter fighter instead of fire fighter. It’s just cute.

running at Mt. Charleston

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Here they are racing a little.

Mt. Charleston

Friday, September 28th, 2007

On Wednesday we took an adventure with Julie, Naia, and her step-son Reagan.
We went to the beautiful Mt. Charleston, or cold mountain as Lilah liked to call it.
It really wasn’t that cold. Who knew 62 degrees could be so warm.
I don’t think we made it to Mt. Charleston, more like Lee Canyon.
We just went to some camping grounds to try to eat our food and enjoy some hiking and exploring.

We picked up some Kentucky Fried Chicken and headed towards the mountain.
We tried to eat outside in the beautiful weather but some bee’s or wasps liked our chicken and pretty much swarmed us.
( A swarm consists of more than 4 bees being around our site at once.)
Poor Reagan was totally freaked out by them, as was Julie, and they were both having a hard time, though Julie was trying to not act scared.
My girls were mostly OK unless the bee/ wasp flew around their face.
I suggested we eat in our cars so Julie agreed and we headed back to our original picnic spot. (We went to three different spots before we gave up because of the bees/wasp.)


Eating in the car.



Take a picture of me eating chicken mom!

Eden has proven to be my adventurous child. She would wander off without anyone near her. She did stay in eye range, but only because I kept reminding her to not go to far.




Take a picture of me holding the rock!


Eden, come back here!


We took a hike in the woods. Lilah loved the woods.

Wait, where’d Eden go?



We found a large tree that had been cut down.

This was the best out of the 2 pictures I took.



After being in the woods we decided to take a walk along the road.


They wanted to hold onto the stroller, at first.

Eden and Lilah both wanted to wander into the woods later so we distracted them by making them run to places.



Do these pants make my diaper look big?


Lilah’s hives came out a little with the running so we made her walk with us as Reagan and Eden ran ahead.

We had a fun day.

Eden slept for the 45 minutes home and decided that was enough nap for the day. Lilah never took a nap. In fact I think she’s going on nap strike.

going out

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

This summer we participated in the local libraries reading program, well it was really Clark County’s reading program. Even though my girls don’t read, if I read to them or did different activities it would count. So for the prizes for reading 20 books were: a free book for each girl, a book bag to take to the library and a free pass to the Lied Discovery Children’s Museum for each girl, I think we got a free pencil also and put into drawing for a vacation type trip that we obviously didn’t win, dang it.
Yesterday Sam and I were going to go to the museum together so the girls could play and explore together, but after Labor day it’s closed Mondays except school holidays. So I may have to go by myself with the girls this Wednesday, the only other day I don’t have Naia this week.
Since the museum was closed Sam suggested we come over and have the girls swim with Britta in the kiddy pool they bought on clearance at Target. My girls had lots of fun, and so did Britta for the first 10 minutes. Sam said she’s not one to stay outside for long, even if she has been begging to go outside. Lilah and Eden were having lots fun sliding into the pool so they played until almost noon. Then we made my girls get out of the pool and we had lunch and then the girls played in Britta’s room. I was there for a very long time, so I’m thankful to Sam for letting us stay and play. She was doing cleaning while I was there, but I’m totally fine with that if I’m at someones house for a long period of time.
We left and on the way home stopped and registered Lilah for her gymnastics class at the community center. I’m seeing how well she likes the tumbling and whatever they’ll be doing because she enjoyed dance, but she likes to do more trick type stuff and balancing when she’s at home. I’ll probably have her do gymnastics in the fall and dance in the spring. Though if she’s continually excited about gymnastics I might keep her in it, because her excitement for dance weaned off, but that may have been because she just wanted to stay and play with Britta instead of go to class. I think she might like dance this year because they also get to do tap, but she’d have to try it at least.

So today I have Naia and too slightly ornery girls. Lilah wants us to go somewhere, she really wants to go to the park, but she always wants to go somewhere, and I’m just not ready to venture out where I’d be alone and responsible for 3 girls and have no help.

I’m a baby. I know it.

The light slowly appears after the rain

Friday, January 19th, 2007

I just want to thank everyone for their love and support. This is a cheesy way to do it, but I’m grateful to have so many friends and family who love me.
I have known for a while about Jon. Most of the sadness is from having to tell others. I hate worrying others. I am doing okay.
I just feel shaken from a dream to a harsh reality of questions and choices. I am finding my strength from others around me.
I was able to go to the Temple Wednesday, so that was enjoyable. It was a session in which some from our Relief Society attended together so I was able to sit and talk with my Relief Society President, whom I have grown to love in this year in the ward, she helped to give me comfort.

Wednesday was just hectic. After having a relaxing morning at the temple and lunch I came home to the craziness of telling and bringing this change into the open. It was just so much.

I want to say and make it clear. Jon loves me. He is supporting me in my decision to stay active in the church. He is not trying to convert me to his beliefs. He is planning on sharing these ideas with our children. After all it is who he is now and I sympathize with him not wanting to hide who he is. I don’t like it, but I just hope that I am able to provide a sure foundation for my children with a belief in God and his love for them.

It’s interesting because I’ve heard a lot from his older sister Annie. Annie is one of Jon’s sisters and is eight years older than he. She and her family are not active in the church and we haven’t really had to many religious discussions. One reason for that is we only see each other at family gatherings, in which the parents are there. We usually don’t discuss religion, but even if it comes up she is respectful to our parents and tries not to disrespect their love for the church. I find it refreshing that we’re able to talk more about religion. In some ways I think I have a lot in common with her, and now I believe her and Jon have more in common.

I am finding my footing. I am finding my strength. I hope I can endure and find the truth for myself.
My heart aches when I have had thoughts that the church is not true. I see that as a sign that it is true.

I may just be using this as a coping mechanism, but I know there are many religions out there. I think many have truths to them. A leader in my life says it’s so Satan can lead them away from the true church. I think it is so people can find some solace in God in a way that helps them, or perhaps no God. At one point I could have seen his point. Now I see that even if someone is not a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day saints, and they wish not to be, then hopefully they are still living a good life. I think and know Jon will continue to live a good life. This new decision is what helps him make good choices. That’s fine.
The church at times can be restrictive and people can be driven by guilt and fear. I know I have had those times in my life. As I talked to one friend she mentioned how the church is really seen differently through each members eyes.
People adapt any religion to what they see is right for them. What brings me comfort may not bring you comfort. What motivates someone not to sin could crush the spirit of another.
I think I have found more love for those outside of my beliefs. I have more sympathy for those who do not believe as I do.
I hope Heavenly Father is merciful to all.

women are funny

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

This is a post my friend Anna re-posted from an e-mail she got. I found it hilarious and it reminded me of my mother.

A.A.A.D.D. – Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

This is how it manifests itself:

I decided to water my garden. As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I looked over at my car and decided my car needs washing.

As I started toward the garage to get the sponge and bucket, I noticed that there is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.

I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.

So I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first. But then I think, since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only 1 check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find a can of diet Coke that I had been drinking.

I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye–they need to be watered.

I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning. Then I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers.

I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won’t remember that it’s on
the table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers.

I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spilled on the floor. So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill, then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day: the car isn’t washed, the bills aren’t paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers don’t have enough water, there is still only 1 check in my checkbook, I can’t find the remote, I can’t find my glasses, and I don’t remember what in the world I did with the car keys!

Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I’m really baffled, because I know I was busy all day long, and I’m really tired.

I realize this is a serious problem, and I’ll try to get some help for it, but first I’ll check my e-mail.


Old Friends

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

An old friend called me this afternoon. She and her family moved to St. George just over year ago…a little before I had Eden. They moved out of the ward a year before that…so we’ve keep in touch but at the same time lost touch a little. She became my friend when I was called as an assistant to her for Achievement Days (activities with the 8-11 year old girls). I either wasn’t pregnant with Lilah or I was just pregnant when I began the calling. I wouldn’t have guessed that we’d become friends. In some ways we have very little in common in other ways we have a lot…and above all we get one another…I really love and understand her. Our friendship grew a lot once I had Lilah. She would pick me up and take me to her mommy group and to the movies and on her errands. It was wonderful to get out of the house and she never minded me and Lilah. She’d talked and I’d listen and then analyse for her. I understood her problems because some of my feelings and insecurities were the same. She was so loving and accepting. I felt so comfortable around her. We saw on another at our dirtiest..whether it was our dirty house, or the fact that we hadn’t showered. I learned some pointers about being a mom by watching her with her son. Even though I haven’t really spent time with him in two years…I’m sure he’s the most well behaved and non spoiled…except with tons of love… only child that you’ll ever find.
She’s a darling women and very talented. She sews, really she quilts… and is very talented…and she scrapbooks…she makes all sorts of little things for people that in the end don’t matter. That’s one of the things I would always remind her about…Does it really make a difference if you make that, will it enrich that person’s life more, or it it not necessary to stress and work on because it won’t truly be appreciated? I was making good headway and weening her off her over-achiever habit then she moved and then she moved again. When we talk or e-mail she tells me she hears my voice when she’s doing an unnecessary project. I’m glad she at lest still hears my voice even if she doesn’t listen. She’s a wonderful friend and I love that she e-mails and tries to keep in touch. I’m horrible but I’m trying to be better. Sometimes I forget about her, or really life goes on and you get caught up in life…it happens to us all, but when I remember her I miss her. She’s a dear friend and I hope we continue our e-mails and random calls and that she someday gets a blog. I don’t sew or do projects, so this is my outlet. I write because I’m procrastinating, or there’s something on my mind. She submerges herself in projects that have due dates that come too soon. She miraculously finishes much of what she does…how I’m unsure…but staying up till 2 am is part of it.

I love you Marcie Schear…Thanks for being my friend.